Add security and clarity to your Backbone Models & Collections with easy to create custom serializers and de-serializers. Auto-instantiation of child models & collections. DotPath notation support.
Resilient patterns and practices are necessary for any long-lived codebase. Funky customization is necessary to meet the demands of many an API / UI. Embrace the funk, but don't let it dominate your work. Be kind to yourself and your successors.
dw-backbone was created with these problems in mind.
*This lib is provided uniminified, because that's either a part of your build process already, or you're like "source-map what?"
Exports Model, Collection, and convenience!
extending .Model adds the following functionality
new Model() - instantiate a clean model from almost any garbage you throw at it. Case-convert, transform, black & white list.
//model = new Model({object}, [mode])
Model = DWBackbone.Model.extend({
'underscored':{ //define as many of these modes as you want.
'from':{ //used only on 'new'
'convert':'toCamel', // 'toUnderscored' converts all keys to the specified case
fn:'parse' //'stringify' || function(val)
//attrName:'aCompletelyDifferentName' if you want it to have a different name on your model
//'include':['atributeName'] - A whitelist. Only these will be used to hydrate the model
//'exclude:[] - A blacklist. These items will not be used to hydrate the model
'to':{ //is used with .toJSON calls. only difference between it
// and .from is 'inputs' is called 'attrs'
obj = {'some_junk':'and_stuff', 'a_bc':"['lazy','java','devs']"};
model = new Model(obj, 'underscored');
model.toJSON(); //{someJunk:'and_stuff', aBc:['lazy','java','devs']}
model.toJSON('underscored'); //{some_junk:'and_stuff', a_bc:['lazy','java','devs']}
.toJSON() - a builtin jsonifier with transform, blacklist, whitelist. If no mode is specified a naked object version of the model. Supports nested Collections & Models.
.logicallyIdentical() - takes either a raw {}, or a Model. Compares the attributes (and child attributes) of the Models for logical equivalence (not ===).
//model.logicallyIdentical([{} | Model])
obj = {a:{b:'c'}};
model = new Model(obj);
model2 = new Model({a:{b:'c'}});
model.logicallyIdentical(model2); //true
model2.logicallyIdentical(obj); //true
._set.<attrName> - declare custom setters in a clean, brief structure. Appropriate setters run on calls to .set. Also runs after the transforms on new Model
Model = DWBackbone.Model.extend({
x:DWBackbone.Model, //define a Model and JSON will be hydrated to that model.
y:function(val) { //define a function for attribute \<attrName\> and
// calls to .set('\<attrName\>') will first pass the value
// to your function for modification
return val.toUpperCase();
model = new Model({
y:'hello world'
model.get('y') //'Hello World'
model.set({y:"apple sauce"})
model.get('y') //Apple Sauce
child = model.get('x');
child instanceof Backbone.Model //true
child.get('a') //'b'
model.set('x', {a:'z'});
model.get('x') instanceof Backbone.Model //true
model.get('x') === child //false
//Respects existing models with the same .constructor if you pass them in
model.set('x', child);
model.get('x') === child //true
//Listens for 'destroy' events and removes all listeners and removes the model
//from .attributes. (un-binds on unset)
model.get('x') //undefined
._setCollections - declare child collections
Point = DWBackbone.Model.extend({
defaults:{name:'None Specified',x:0,y:0}
Points = DWBackbone.Collection.extend({
Model = DWBackbone.Model.extend({
model = new Model({
pointList:[{x:1,y:2},{name:'Some name', x:3, y:4}]
model.get('pointList') instanceof Points //true
model.get('pointList').pluck('name') //['None Specified','Some name']
model.get('pointList').length //2
model.get('pointList').toJSON() //[{name:'None Specified',x:1, y:2},{name:'Some name', x:3, y:4}]
model.set('pointList', [{name:'Another one'}]) //triggers reset
model.get('pointList').length //1
model.get('pointList').toJSON() //[{name:'Another one',x:0, y:0}]
points = new Points([{x:1,y:2},{name:'Some name', x:3, y:4}])
model.set('pointlist', points);
model.get('pointList') === points //false - model maintains its own Points collection
model.get('pointList').at(0) === points.at(0) //true - model retains the Point instances
.get() - accepts dotpath notation.
model = new DWBackbone.Model({
m:new DWBackbone.Model({
c:new DWBackbone.Model({
f:new Backbone.Model({
model.get('m.a') == 'b' //true
model.get('m.c.p') //undefined - classic Backbone 'undefined' behavior for undefined attributes
model.get('m.c.i.j') //dotPath does not support raw objects
model.get('m.c.d') == 'e' //true - Child Models must extend DWBackbone to support dotPath
model.get('m.c.f.g') == 'h' //true - Last attribute can be Backbone.Model
.set() - accepts dotpath notation.
Use it like .get, or set multiple attributes using an object with dotPathed property names. *All parts of the path (except the last) must already exist.
extending .Collection adds the following functionality
.get() - accepts dotpath notation.
collection = new DWBackbone.Collection([{id:'x', name:'Foo'}, {id:'y', name:'Bar'}, {id:'z', name:'Nasty'}])
collection.get('[1]') === collection.at(1) //true -
collection.get('z.name') == collection.get('z').get('name') //true
.set('dotpath', val) - accepts dotpath notation if first argument is a string, default Backbone.Collection behavior otherwise
collection = new DWBackbone.Collection([{id:'x', name:'Foo'}, {id:'y', name:'Bar'}, {id:'z', name:'Nasty'}])
collection.set('x.apple','Granny Smith')
collection.get('x').get('apple'); //'Granny Smith' (you could also use a dotPath to get it, but this is less unambiguous.
collection.set('[2].name', 'Not nasty')
collection.at(2).get('name') //'Not nasty'
collection.set('[*].bicycles','Are good')
collection.at(0).get('bicycles') //'Are good'
collection.get('[1].bicycles') //'Are good'
collection.get('z.bicycles') //'Are good'
collection.pluck('bicycles') //['Are good'] - because Backbone.Collection.pluck returns unique values
.setOn() - accepts dotpath noted objects
collection = new DWBackbone.Collection([{id:'x', name:'Foo'}, {id:'y', name:'Bar'}, {id:'z', name:'Nasty'}])
//the following call does all of the .set calls in the previous example
'x.apple':'Granny Smith',
'[2].name':'Not nasty',
'[*].bicycles':'Are good'
.toJSON() - supports DWBackbone.Model.toJSON modes
functions directly off DWBackbone
.isA(item, [type]) - used it like typeof, but also returns 'array', 'date', 'NaN', or true/false if type is passed in
DWBackbone.isA([]) //'array'
DWBackbone.isA((1/'apple')) //'NaN'
DWBackbone.isA([], 'array') //true
DWBackbone.isA('some string', 'array') //false
DWBackbone.isA((1/'apple', 'NaN')) //true
.logicallyIdentical({ object 1 },{ object 2 }, [{ ignoreTree }]) - are these two objects basically the same thing? Supports deep structures. Supports excluding specific attributes from the comparison.
.toUnderscored({ some object }) - converts a camelCased string to an underscored one. Pass in an object to convert all its keys without modifying the values.
.toCamel({ some object }) - converts an underscored string to a camelCased one. Pass in an object to convert all its keys without modifying the values.
.setLogger(function() ) - Pass in any logging function you like *as of 0.5 DWBackbone does not write directly to console.log
.getLogger() - because setLogger was lonely