This packages includes some basic functionalities and definitions used by sdk generation pipeline.
This packages includes some basic functionalities and definitions used by sdk generation pipeline.
npm i @azure-tools/sdk-generation-lib
| Functionalities | Description |
| runScript | Run any kind of script/command os supported. |
| createTaskResult | It parses the logs produced by tasks, and generate a summarized task result. |
| executeTask | The wrapper of runScript
and createTaskResult
. |
| logger | The logger instance can be used by sdk generation pipeline. |
| getTask | Get task configuration from sdk repo's task configuration. |
| Definitions | Description |
| CodegenToSdkConfig | The configuration type of codegen_to_sdk_config.json
| InitOptions | The configuration type of init task. |
| GenerateAndBuildOptions | The configuration type of generate and build task. |
| MockTestOptions | The configuration type of mock test task. |
| RunOptions | The configuration type of running script. |
| LogFilter | The configuration type of filtering log. |
| InitOutput | The output type of init task. |
| GenerateAndBuildInput | The input type of generate and build task. |
| GenerateAndBuildOutput | The output type of generate and build task. |
| MockTestInput | The input type of mock test task. |
| TestOutput | The output type of mock test task. |
| TaskResultStatus | The task status. |
| TaskResult | The details of a task result. |