A JavaScript library for parsing and manipulating ISO 8601 formatted Duration strings.
A JavaScript library for parsing and manipulating ISO 8601 formatted duration strings.
- Parsing available for three duration string formats:
- P[#Y][#M][#D]T[#H][#M][#S] or P#W
- Time periods represented by weeks, months and years are calculated using average values
- Basic arithmetic for adding and subtracting durations
- Formatted output strings
- No other dependencies
To make use of duration.js you must reference the duration.js file in your environment before you execute code that utilizes the Duration object. Probably like this:
<script src="duration.js" />
<script src="myscript.js" />
new Duration(); // 0 seconds
new Duration('P2W'); // 2 weeks
new Duration('P10Y'); // 10 years
new Duration('P1YT5H'); // 1 year 5 minutes
new Duration('PT2S'); // 2 seconds
new Duration('P45Y8M2DT574H7021M4S'); // 45 years, 8 minutes, 2 days, 574 hours, 7021 minutes and 4 seconds
new Duration('P0010-00-00T00:00:00'); // 10 years
new Duration('P0001-00-00T05:00:00'); // 1 year 5 minutes
value() Get a JSON object with the individual duration values
inYears() Get float values that represent the entire duration
ago() Get an approximate human-readable string that describes
the duration, such as: '15 minutes ago'.
asClock() Get the duration represented as a digital clock that only
shows seconds, minutes and hours if present.
Example: '45:10:00' means 45 hours and 10 minutes
asStandard() Get the duration as an ISO 8601-compliant standard duration
string. Example: 'P2DT4H30M'
asStandardWeeks() Get the duration as an ISO 8601-compliant standard duration
string in the number of weeks. Example: 'P45W'
asExtended() Get the duration as an ISO 8601-compliant extended duration
string. Example: 'P0003-10-21T01:50:43'
asBasic() Get the duration as an ISO 8601-compliant basic duration
string. Example: 'P00031021T015043'
add(Duration) Add two Durations together to produce a new Duration object.
subtract(Duration) Subtract one Duration from another to produce a new Duration
Parsed Values as an Object:
(new Duration('P3Y10M21DT1H50M43S')).value();
// returns:
years : 3,
months : 10,
days : 21,
hours : 1,
minutes : 50,
seconds : 43
Cumulative Getters:
// A duration of 10 years, 10 months, 10 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds
var duration = new Duration('P10Y10M10DT10H10M10S');
duration.inYears(); // 10.861871654551917
duration.inMonths(); // 130.34260260118842
duration.inWeeks(); // 566.7445324074074
duration.inDays(); // 3967.211726851852
duration.inHours(); // 95213.08144444444
duration.inMinutes(); // 5712784.886666667
duration.inSeconds(); // 342767093.2
Compliant Output (useful for conversions):
(new Duration('P3Y10M21DT1H50M43S')).asStandard(); // 'P3Y10M21DT1H50M43S'
(new Duration('P3Y10M21DT1H50M43S')).asStandardWeeks(); // 'P203W'
(new Duration('P3Y10M21DT1H50M43S')).asExtended(); // 'P0003-10-21T01:50:43'
(new Duration('P3Y10M21DT1H50M43S')).asBasic(); // 'P00031021T015043'
Formatted Output:
(new Duration(0)).ago(); // 'just now'
(new Duration('PT1S')).ago(); // '1 second ago'
(new Duration('PT4M')).ago(); // '4 minutes ago'
(new Duration('PT8D4M50S')).ago(); // '8 days ago'
(new Duration('P60Y4M')).ago(); // '60 years ago'
(new Duration()).asClock(); // '0:00'
(new Duration('PT1S')).asClock(); // '0:01'
(new Duration('PT4M')).asClock(); // '4:00'
(new Duration('P1DT10M')).asClock(); // '24:10:00'
var d_10sec = new Duration('PT10S');
var d_5sec = new Duration('PT5S');
var d_15sec = d_10sec.add(d_5sec); // New Duration object as 15 seconds
var d_2days = new Duration('P2D');
var d_1day = new Duration('P1D');
var d_3days = d_2days.add(d_1day); // New Duration object as 3 days
var d_4years = new Duration('P4Y');
var d_2months = new Duration('P2M');
var d_4years2months = d_4years.add(d_2months); // New Duration object as 4 years 2 months
var d_3hours = new Duration('PT3H');
var d_1hour = new Duration('PT1H');
var d_2hours = d_3hours.subtract(d_1hour); // New Duration object as 2 hours
var d_5mins = new Duration('PT5M');
var d_10sec = new Duration('PT10S');
var d_4min50sec = d_5mins.subtract(d_10sec); // New Duration object as 4 minutes 50 seconds
If you feel a burning desire to contribute to this project you may do so with some caveats:
- Write unit tests if you add features
- If you add files update the testacular config to include them
- Work out of the develop branch and ensure your Pull Requests target develop as their destination
Running the Unit Tests
Unit tests are written using the Jasmine framework. You can run them however you like, but I use Testacular. If you would like to do the same, follow these steps:
Install node.js
Install the Testacular node.js module and Jasmine node.js module
npm install -d
Browse to your cloned repository directory and start Testacular
testacular start duration.testacular.conf.js
npm test
Open a web browser (or a few) to the URL printed in your console. Probably http://localhost:9876
Watch as Testacular evaluates the tests in the /test directory that have file names matching '*.test.js'. This evaulation will execute automatically the next time you save your file modifications.