javascript sdk for dubhe_storage_service, generate at 2024-03-26 19:35:44, generate by [email protected]
dubhe-sdk-storage - JavaScript client for dubhe storage service
- Package version: 1.0.71, generate by [email protected]
- Build date: 2024-03-26 19:35:44
For more information, please visit http://www.billion-byte.com
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install dubhe-sdk-storage --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your dubhe-sdk-storage from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
import { FileResourceControllerApi } from 'dubhe-sdk-storage';
const api = new FileResourceControllerApi(ApiContext.getInstance());
const bean = new DubheSdkStorage.AttachmentBean(); // {AttachmentBean} 文件
try {
const {data} = await api.attachmentAdd(bean);
} catch(error) {
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- FileResourceControllerApi | attachmentAdd | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/attachment/add | 新建时保存文件 FileResourceControllerApi | attachmentUpdate | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/attachment/update | 编辑时更新文件 FileResourceControllerApi | delAttachmentsByCategory | DELETE /rest/storage/fileResource/attachment/del/byCategory | 根据业务主键删除已上传的文件列表 FileResourceControllerApi | delAttachmentsByCode | DELETE /rest/storage/fileResource/attachment/del/byCode | 根据code删除已上传的文件列表 FileResourceControllerApi | delAttachmentsByCodes | DELETE /rest/storage/fileResource/attachment/del/byCodes | 根据codes删除已上传的文件列表 FileResourceControllerApi | downloadByCode | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/download | 根据code下载文件 FileResourceControllerApi | fileUpload | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/upload | 上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | fileUploadList | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/uploadList | 批量上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | getAttachmentByCode | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/attachment/byCode | 根据code获取已上传的文件列表 FileResourceControllerApi | getAttachmentsByCategory | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/attachments/byCategory | 根据业务主键获取已上传的文件列表 FileResourceControllerApi | getAttachmentsByCodes | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/attachments/byCodes | 根据codes获取已上传的文件列表 FileResourceControllerApi | getBase64Str4Image | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/getBase64Str4Image | 获取图片的base64编码 FileResourceControllerApi | getDownFileByPath | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/downFile/byPath | 根据路径取文件 FileResourceControllerApi | getInputStreamResourceByCode | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/inputStreamResource/byCode | 根据code获取文件列输入流 FileResourceControllerApi | permanentFileStrUpload | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/permanent/fileStr/upload | 文件字符串永久桶上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | permanentRelationalUpload | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/permanent/relational/upload | 关系型永久桶上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | permanentRelationalUploadList | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/permanent/relational/uploadList | 批量上传文件到永久桶 FileResourceControllerApi | permanentUpload | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/permanent/upload | 永久桶上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | permanentUploadList | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/permanent/uploadList | 批量上传文件到永久桶 FileResourceControllerApi | relationalFileUpload | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/relational/upload | 关系型上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | relationalFileUploadList | POST /rest/storage/fileResource/relational/uploadList | 批量上传文件 FileResourceControllerApi | tempDownloadByCode | GET /rest/storage/fileResource/temp/download | 根据code下载文件 OpenFileResourceControllerApi | openDownloadByCode | GET /open/storage/fileResource/download | 根据code下载文件 OpenFileResourceControllerApi | openTempDownloadByCode | GET /open/storage/fileResource/temp/download | 根据code下载文件 OpenFileResourceControllerApi | showHtmlByCode | GET /open/storage/fileResource/show/html | 将文件以html形式展示 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileAdd | POST /rest/storage/relationalFile/add | 新建 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileAll | GET /rest/storage/relationalFile/all | 获取全部 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileDelByCode | DELETE /rest/storage/relationalFile/del/byCode | 根据code删除已上传的关系文件列表 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileListPage | GET /rest/storage/relationalFile/list | 文件信息列表 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileRename | POST /rest/storage/relationalFile/rename | 重命名 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileTreeAll | GET /rest/storage/relationalFile/treeAll | 获取全部树形结构 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileTreeByCode | GET /rest/storage/relationalFile/tree/byCode | 根据code获取该code树形结构 RelationalFileControllerApi | relationalFileUpdate | PATCH /rest/storage/relationalFile/update | 编辑