dsa library in js
DSA With JavaScript
dsa-with-javascript is DSA library written in javascript and provides basic data structures like Stack,Queue and Linked List along with some sorting and searching algorithms
Use the package manager npm to install dsa-with-javascript.
npm install dsa-with-javascript
Available data structures
//Stack uses Linked-List inside
const {Stack} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
const stack = new Stack() // Create a new instance of class Stack
stack.push(10) // Add new element in stack
stack.pop() //Pops the last element from stack
stack.top() //Returns the top element
stack.isEmpty() //Returns true is stack is empty else false
stack.show() // Returns the stack
//Queue uses Linked-List inside
const {Queue} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
const queue = new Queue() // Create a new instance of class Queue
queue.push(10) // Add new element in queue
queue.pop() //Pops the first element from queue
queue.top() //Returns the top element
queue.isEmpty() //Returns true is queue is empty else false
queue.show() // Returns the queue
3.Linked List
const {LinkedList} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
// Create a new instance of class LinkedList
// new LinkedList() creates head with null value
// new LinkedList(10) creates linked list with 1 node with data = 10
const list = new LinkedList()
list.createNew(20) //Adds new node to the list with given value(20)
list.size() //Returns the size of the linked list
list.getFirst() //Returns the data of first node of the linked list
list.getLast() //Returns the data of last node of the linked list
list.clear() //Clears the linked list (assigns head = null)
list.show() //Returns an array containing data of all nodes of linked list
Available algorithms
1.Binary Search
const {BinarySearch} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
BinarySearch(arr,5) //The BinarySearch function takes two arguments 1.The array and 2.Key
The BinarySearch function expects a sorted array as input, If not given the array is sorted by the function. The result is the index of the key element if found (of sorted array) else -1 if not found
2.Linear Search
const {LinearSearch} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
LinearSearch(arr,5) //The LinearSearch function takes two arguments 1.The array and 2.Key
The LinearSearch function returns the index of element if found otherwise -1 if not found
const {BubbleSort} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
BubbleSort(arr) //Returns the sorted array in ascending order
BubbleSort(arr,-1) //Returns the sorted array in descending order
const {InsertionSort} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
InsertionSort(arr) //Returns the sorted array in ascending order
InsertionSort(arr,-1) //Returns the sorted array in descending order
const {MergeSort} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
MergeSort(arr) //Returns the sorted array in ascending order
MergeSort(arr,-1) //Returns the sorted array in descending order
const {QuickSort} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
QuickSort(arr) //Returns the sorted array in ascending order
QuickSort(arr,-1) //Returns the sorted array in descending order
const {SelectionSort} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
SelectionSort(arr) //Returns the sorted array in ascending order
SelectionSort(arr,-1) //Returns the sorted array in descending order
const {BreadthFirstSearch} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
graph = {
A: ["B", "C"],
B: ["A", "D", "E"],
C: ["A", "F"],
D: ["B"],
E: ["B", "F"],
F: ["C", "E"],
BreadthFirstSearch(graph, "A") //Takes two arguments - Graph and the starting node and returns an array of traversed nodes with bfs
const {DepthFirstSearch} = require('dsa-with-javascript')
graph = {
A: ["B", "C"],
B: ["A", "D", "E"],
C: ["A", "F"],
D: ["B"],
E: ["B", "F"],
F: ["C", "E"],
DepthFirstSearch(graph, "A") //Takes two arguments - Graph and the starting node and returns an array of traversed nodes with dfs
Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This library is just a project created by Moh1tsingh and is not intended for professional use.