This package is intended to be a single source for consuming the DS model entities. Each entity has its unique structure and common methods.
This package is intended to be a single source for consuming the DS model entities. Each entity has its unique structure and common methods. We built this project so we can have a uniformity and a common language between our front appliction side our back end appliction side.
Use this package:
- Install package npm i ds-models-entities --save
- Import entities import {SigExtractor, SigExtractorHeader, SigExtractorSender, SigExtractorTread} from 'ds-models-entities'; import {TitleSimilarity} from 'ds-models-entities';
Update this package:
Add your new entities to: src/entities/ -> projectSelectedName.ts -> E.g: "track-promotion-changes.ts" ts file content main class should implements Entity interface: E.g: "export class TrackPromotionChanges implements Entity" Go to src/entities/index.ts and add export all entity necessary objects E.g: export { TrackPromotionChanges, TrackPromotionChangesInput, Pred as TrackPromotionChangesPred } from "./track-promotion-changes"; Npm run build (in terminal package folder) - make sure no errors appeare Look for your new entities in dest folder ( Eg: track-promotion-changes.js && track-promotion-changes.d.ts) Change version number package.json -> version depending on a minor or major change etc. Cave your changes on git
Publish new version:
Use previos build step or run again E.g: 'npm run build' (in terminal package folder) Look for your new entities in dest folder ( Eg: track-promotion-changes.js && track-promotion-changes.d.ts) You can run link & unlink to test your package changes if you want - google it. Make sure you are logged in to npm or run npm login. Run npm publish
Update portal with changes:
Update portal client & portal server with package changes with new version changes E.g: run 'npm i ds-models-entities@NewVersionNumber --save' Import your new entities in your selected code area & use it. If you do not see changes try to reload OR close your source code editor. Make sure portal front & back is runing. Save portl back & front changes to git. pull requst changes.