React-based drag-drop for dragging an element and dropping on a target
A simple component for dragging an element and dropping it on a target.
Works on mouse and touch devices.
npm install
And if you want to look at the demo page:
npm start
Then point your browser at http://localhost:3002/
Wrap the draggable element in DragDropContainer.
Use properties to specify custom event names for the drop, enter, and leave events.
On target element(s), add listeners for the custom-named events, e.g. on the enter event you might highlight the target and then unhighlight on
leave, and then of course you'll have some code to handle the drop event.Alternatively, if you don't like the custom-event-name approach, add listeners for the default events (see below) and then use the event.details to make sure that this is a draggable item you're interested in.
Drag container:
<h1>Drag the Bananas to the Monkey</h1>
dragData={ data about the bananas that you want to pass on to the monkey }
<img src="bananas.jpg" />
Target element(s)
And then in the target element's React code, get the DOM element and then add listeners to it. For example, lets assume the target has ref="monkey"...
componentDidMount() {
var elem = this.refs.monkey;
elem.addEventListener('bananas_entered', this.highlight, false);
elem.addEventListener('bananas_left', this.unhighlight, false);
elem.addEventListener('bananas_dropped', (ev) => {this.dropOn(ev)}, false);
The dragData is in the detail.data
property of the event, so you might
handle the drop event like this:
dropOn(ev) {
var newBananas = ev.detail.data.bananaCount;
this.setState({numBananas: this.state.numBananas + newBananas});
Also, the dragged element itself is referenced in the detail.dragElement
of the event. So for example if you wanted the bananas to disappear when they're dropped
on the monkey, your dropOn method might look like this:
dropOn(ev) {
ev.detail.dragElement.style.display = 'none'
alert('Thanks for the bananas. They were delicious!')
All passed as properties
dragData (required)
Data about the dragged item that you want to pass to the target.
This gets inserted as event.detail.data
for the enter, leave, and drop events.
dragEnterEventName, dragLeaveEventName, dropEventName
Custom names for the three events.
They default to "dragEnter", "dragLeave", and "dropOn", respectively
If a DOM node is provided, we'll drag it instead of the actual object (which will remain in place).
var ghost = <div class="drag_elem">Drag Me</div>;
<DragDropContainer dragGhost={ghost}>
Defaults to true. If false, then dragged item stays where you put it when you drop.
The z-index for the dragged item defaults to 1000 (so that it floats over the target). If that doesn't work for you, change it here.