Autosave Plugin for DraftJS Plugins Editor
DraftJS Autosave Plugin
This is a plugin for the draft-js-plugins-editor
This plugin allows you to add autosave functionality via a callback function to your plugins-enabled editor.
First instantiate the plugin, passing the necessary props in the config
import createAutosavePlugin from 'draft-js-autosave-plugin';
const autosavePlugin = createAutosavePlugin(config);
And then pass the plugin into a draft-js-plugins-editor
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor'
<Editor plugins={[autosavePlugin]} />
The plugin requires a config with a saveFunction property, and a few optional properties:
const mySaveFunction = () => { /* A function that does something */ }
const config = {
saveFunction: mySaveFunction,
debounceTime: 3000,
saveAlways: true
const autosavePlugin = createAutosavePlugin(config)
The config options and their defaults are:
| Option | Type | Description | Default | Required |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| saveFunction
| Function
| Required callback function that will be called upon a save event | none
| *
| debounceTime
| integer
| Time, in milliseconds, to debounce
the firing of save events after changes | 2000 |
| saveAlways
| Boolean
| Whether or not to call saveFunction callback for both selection and content changes, rather than just content changes (DraftJS fires onChange events for both) | false
| savingComponent
| React Component
| A custom react component to display the saving status; will receive props from plugin | SavingComponent |
You can get the saving status component (or your own supplied custom component, decorated with props) from the instance:
const {
} = autosavePlugin;
Render this in your component wherever you'd like:
<div className="toolbar">
<SavingComponent />
The component has a couple optional props:
| Prop | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| saving
| Boolean
| If you're using an asynchronous saving function, the component needs to be made aware of the in-flight request to render saving status appropriately (otherwise it will be considered saved
upon calling the saveFunction callback) | none
| theme
| object
| Object of css classNames that will be applied to the saving component. Default theming classes are replaced entirely (see here for more details) if property provided. | styles.css |
Importing the default styles
The plugin ships with a default styling available at this location in the installed package:
Webpack Usage
Follow the steps below to import the css file by using Webpack's style-loader
and css-loader
Install Webpack loaders:
npm install style-loader css-loader --save-dev
Add the below section to Webpack config (if your Webpack already has loaders array, simply add the below loader object(
{test:foo, loaders:bar[]}
) as an item in the array).module: { loaders: [{ test: /\.css$/, loaders: [ 'style', 'css' ] }] }
Add the below import line to your component to tell Webpack to inject style to your component.
import 'draft-js-mention-plugin/lib/plugin.css';
Restart Webpack.
Browserify Usage
TODO: PR welcome
Specifying Your Own SavingComponent
If you'd like, you can specify your own custom SavingComponent to handle the saving status. Your component will be decorated with a few props and become available on the plugin instance.
Props that will be passed to your component:
- getIsClean (func) - returns a boolean indicating whether or not the plugin has any pending changes to be saved
- theme (object) - object of css classNames, see default here
const MySavingComponent = ({ saving, getIsClean, theme }) => {
const saved = getIsClean() && !saving;
return (
<div className={saved ? theme.container : `${theme.container} ${theme.containerSaving}`}>
className={saved ? theme.textSaved : theme.textSaving}
{!saved && 'Saving...'}
{saved && 'All Changes Saved.'}
<span style={{ marginLeft: '0.2em' }}>{'🖫'}</span>
The above presentational component must then be passed into the config:
const autosavePlugin = createAutosavePlugin({ ...config, savingComponent: MySavingComponent });
draft-js-plugins-editor version info
This plugin is built for draft-js-plugins-editor
version 2.0.0-beta10
and should be considered to be in beta until draft-js-plugins-editor and/or this plugin reach a full 2.0.0
- [ ] Remove extraneous packages from package.json
- [ ] Add testing