dpuforge-viewer sdk
WebGL BIM Viewer based on xeoKit-sdk, written with TypeScript.
To install from npm:
npm install @pattern-x/gemini-viewer
The documents are under the ./docs
To generate the documents:
npm run docs
Orthographic camera
Distance measurement
Section plane
Section box
Navigation cube
Context menu
To run the demo:
npm run demo
And then, visit demo.
Basic usages for Bimviewer is as followed. For more details, you could refference to gemini-viewer-ui which is a react project build up with gemini-viewer.
import { BimViewer, KeyBoardRotatePlugin } from "@pattern-x/gemini-viewer";
const project = {
id: "technical_school_normal",
name: "technical_school_normal",
thumbnail: "/projects/technical_school_normal/thumbnail.png",
camera: {
eye: [-65, 37, 41],
look: [-15, 0, 15],
up: [0, 1, 0],
far: 10000,
models: [
name: "technical school normal",
src: "/projects/technical_school_normal/Technical_school-current_m.gltf",
position: [0, 0, 0],
rotation: [0, 0, 0],
scale: [1, 1, 1],
edges: true,
visible: true,
const bimViewer = new BimViewer(
canvasId: "myCanvas",
// use default css if navCubeCanvasId or axisGizmoCanvasId not given
// navCubeCanvasId: "myNavCubeCanvas",
// axisGizmoCanvasId: "myAxisGizmoCanvas",
swapYZ: true,
activeOrthoMode: true,
// locale: "en"
skyBoxImgSrc: "images/skybox/default.png"
new KeyBoardRotatePlugin(bimViewer.viewer);
// loadProjectModel
let counter = 0; // to indicate how many models are loading
project.models.forEach((modelCfg) => {
if (modelCfg.visible === false) {
// visible is true by default
return; // only load visible ones
bimViewer.loadModel(modelCfg, (model) => {
if (counter === 0) {
if (bimViewer.has2dModel && !bimViewer.has3dModel) {
// Do something with model
// console.log("model:", model);
// Gets the image data of the model canvas.
// console.log(bimViewer.getCanvasImageDataUrl());
BimViewer Configuration Summary
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| --------------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| canvasId | string | | For Xeokit Viewer
. |
| enableNavCube | boolean | - optional - default: true
| Shows the NavCube. |
| enableAxisGizmo | boolean | - optional - default: true
| Shows the AxisGizmo. |
| enableToolbar | boolean | - optional - default: true
| Shows the toolbar. |
| enableBottomBar | boolean | - optional - default: true
| shows the bottom-bar. |
| enableContextMenu | boolean | - optional - default: true
| Shows the context-menu. |
| enableFastNav | boolean | - optional - default: true
| Enables FastNav Viewer plugin that improves interactivity by disabling expensive rendering effects while the Camera is moving. |
| enableSingleSelection | boolean | - optional - default: true
| Enable single selection. |
| spinnerElementId | string | - optional | The id of customized spinner element. For Xeokit Viewer.scene
. |
| swapYZ | boolean | - optional - default: false
| Swaps Y / Z axis. |
| navCubeCanvasId | string | - optional | The id of the customized canvas to draw NavCube. It will use the default NavCube when this param is empty. |
| axisGizmoCanvasId | string | - optional | The id of the customized canvas to draw AxisGizmo. It will use the default AxisGizmo when this param is empty. |
| antialias | boolean | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene
. |
| transparent | boolean | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene
. |
| gammaInput | boolean | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene
. |
| gammaOutput | boolean | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene
. |
| backgroundColor | number[] | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene.canvas
. |
| units | string | - optional - default: "meters"
| For Xeokit Viewer.scene.metrics
. |
| scale | number | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene.metrics
. |
| origin | number[] | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene.metrics
. |
| saoEnabled | boolean | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene.sao
. |
| pbrEnabled | boolean | - optional | For Xeokit Viewer.scene
. |
| activeOrthoMode | boolean | - optional | Enter ortho mode by default. |
| locale | "cn" | "en" | - optional - default: "cn"
| Sets the default locale. |
| skyBoxImgSrc | string | - optional | The image src of the skybox. It will use default background color when this param is empty. |