[DP-distill](https://github.com/ruoyuwang1995nya/dp-distill) automates the finetune and distillation process which enables practical atomistic simualtion with the highly transferable, but also computationally expensive DPA-2 pre-trained models. The projec
DP-DISTILL: fine-tune and distillation kit for pre-trained Deep Potential models
DP-distill automates the finetune and distillation process which enables practical atomistic simualtion with the highly transferable, but also computationally expensive DPA-2 pre-trained models. The project is currently built upon the DPGEN2 workflow.
Table of Contents
1. Overview
Inspired by DPGEN concurrent learning scheme, DP-distill provides automated workflow for efficient model fine-tune and distillation towards practical application of DPA-2 pretrained model in the field of atomic simulation. Fig.1 shows the basic workflow of model finetune. Given the initial structure input of training systems, the workflow generates perturbed structures, and executes a series of short ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation based upon randomly perturbed structures. The pretrained model is firstly finetuned by the AIMD dataset, then DeePMD simulation with the fine-tuned model would search new configurations, which are then labeled by first-principle calculation softwares such as ABACUS. If the fine-tuned model cannot predict the labeled dataset with sufficient accuracy, the collected dataset would be added to the fine-tune training set, and the train-search-label process would iterate until convergence is achieved.
A lightweight DeePMD model can also be generated from a pre-trained/fine-tuned DPA-2 model through distillation, which enables much faster simulation of given systems. The distilled model can be generated with much less GPU resources and negligible CPU cost compared with standard DP-GEN pipeline which involves simultaneous training of multiple randomly initialized models, provided that a well-converged DPA-2 platform model is availiable. Figure 2 shows the schematic of the distillation workflow.
2. Installation
DP-distill can be built and installed form the source.
git clone https://github.com/ruoyuwang1995nya/dp-distill.git
pip install .
3. Quick start
DP-distill can be accessed from CLI interface. For instance, a finetune workflow can be submitted by the following command:
dp-dist submit finetune.json -t finetune
The finetune.json
specifies imput parameters of the finetune task, whose details can be found in the examples
directory of this repository.
4. Userguide
Examples of json input file for model finetune and distillation can be found in the examples