Used to operate the website, you can add, open, description and other functions
This dependency is mainly used to open web pages through the terminal, which can record frequently visited websites, set the default website to open or the default web browser to open, but currently only supports the browsers Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. The default opened browser is Chrome, and the default opened official website is the GitHub official website. The system is initialized with two website information by default, which are GitHub and npm. If you have any questions or want to join in the development, please feel free to contact me. My email address is [email protected].
npm install -g doweb
Use case
doweb show [string] -d [string] -a [string] --default
By default, it displays website information. If no parameter is specified, it displays all stored website information, for example, enter doweb show:
C:\>doweb show
description:GitHub is where people build software. More than 56 million people use GitHub to discover
description:The world's largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code and build amazing things
The direct parameter is to display the information of the website whose name is this website. For example, I only want to view the website information of npm, enter doweb show npm:
C:\>doweb show npm
description:The world's largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code and build amazing things
If you want to display some information, such as description or address, you can add parameters to select which information is not displayed, where -d or --dsp indicates that the description is not displayed, -a or --addr indicates that the address is not displayed. For example, I want to view the github URL information, but ignore the description. Enter doweb show github -d:
C:\>doweb show github -d
You can view the default configuration, default open browser and default open website with --default, Enter doweb show --default:
C:\>doweb show --default
the default configuration is
doweb open [string]
If you do not add parameters and enter doweb open directly, the github official website will be opened by default. Later, you can modify the default configuration through doweb default. You can open the specified website through doweb open plus the storage name of the website. For example, if I want to open the npm website, I can use the command:
doweb open npm
doweb add -d -a
Used to add a website, where the first parameter is to add the name of the website, -d or --dsp description of this website, -a or --addr the open address of this website, here is an example, doweb add baidu -d this is a website of baidu -a
C:\>doweb add baidu -d this is a website of baidu -a
The add data was successful
C:\>doweb show
description:GitHub is where people build software. More than 56 million people use GitHub to discover
description:The world's largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code and build amazing things
description:this is a website of baidu
doweb remove
It is used to remove a website information. The parameter is the name of the website. For example, if I delete the baidu website that I just added, enter the command doweb remove baidu :
C:\>doweb remove baidu
The remove data was successful
C:\>doweb show
description:GitHub is where people build software. More than 56 million people use GitHub to discover
description:The world's largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code and build amazing things
doweb clear
Use it with caution to clear all stored website information, including initialized data, by entering the command doweb clear:
C:\>doweb clear
The clear data was successful
C:\>doweb show
No website has been added yet
doweb reset
Restore the default Settings, will restore the system initialization data, such as has just cleared all the website information, now we use doweb reset to take a look:
C:\>doweb show
No website has been added yet
C:\>doweb reset
The reset data was successful
C:\>doweb show
description:GitHub is where people build software. More than 56 million people use GitHub to discover
description:The world's largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code and build amazing things
doweb default -n [string] -b [string]
It is used to change the default configuration of the system. The default browser is chrome, and the default website is github, which can be modified through doweb default. The main thing is that only chrome,edge,firefox, and other supported browsers are currently supported. For example, we want to use doweb open, the default is to open the npm website, and the default is to open the edge browser, we can enter doweb default -n npm -b edge :
C:\>doweb default -n npm -b edge
The default setting was successful
C:\>doweb open
At this time, the npm official website is opened with edge, and the default open website is changed to npm, and the default open browser is changed to edge.