A simple node program for executing commands using an environment from **any** env file.
A simple node program for executing commands using an environment from any env file.
💾 Install
npm install dots-env --save-dev
or yarn add dots-env -D
⌨️ Basic Usage
Create your .env.development
file as:
# This is a comment
"scripts": {
"start": "dots-env -c 'node index.js'"
./node_modules/.bin/dots-env -c "node index.js"
- Using dots-env with Create React App
- Using dots-env with Create Next App
Ignoring .env
Change your .env section from .gitignore to:
# env files
Using env file
This package assume that your project have an .env.development
file to use it.
The dots-env will create an .env
at the root of the application with the content of your .env.*
and it will inject the content on process.env
So, we recommend that you add the .env
into .gitignore
because it will be reconstruct always that dots-env script run.
Using other env files
To use other env files, create your .env.staging
or .env.production
or .env.*
, and pass the argument --env
or just -e
with the option:
dots-env -c 'node index.js' # use .env.development
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -e staging # use .env.staging
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -e production # use .env.production
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -e my_env_file # use .env.my_env_file
Using custom local env file
To use a local env file, just create it with .local
on the end of filename, and pass the argument --local
or just -l
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -l # use .env.development.local
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -e staging -l # use .env.staging.local
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -e production -l # use .env.production.local
dots-env -c 'node index.js' -e my_env_file -l # use .env.my_env_file.local
Using custom env file path
If yours .env files are into another directory, you can use the argument --envPath
, or just -p
to change this:
# - envs/
# - .env.development
# - .env.staging
# - .env.production
# - .env.my_env_file
# - index.js
dots-env -p './envs/' -c 'node index.js' # use ./envs/.env.development
dots-env -p './envs/' -c 'node index.js' -e staging # use /envs/.env.staging
dots-env -p './envs/' -c 'node index.js' -e production # use /envs/.env.production
dots-env -p './envs/' -c 'node index.js' -e my_env_file # use /envs/.env.my_env_file
You can use the dots-env on your node script like this:
// start.js
const { processEnv, execCommand } = require('dots-env')
// local: false,
// env: 'development',
// destinationPath: '',
envPath: './envs/'
}).then(() => {
execCommand('yarn start')
If you do not pass some parameters to processEnv
, you can set the values of this missing arguments by cli when executing your script. Example:
node start.js -e staging -l
This script will do all magic and return a promise that will be resolved when .env file was created. This promise return an object with:
envName, // environment name
envFile, // .env[envName]
originalEnvPath, // path of .env[envName]
destinationEnvPath, // path of .env created by dots-env
local, // boolean flag
getEnvValues, // function that return an object with env values
reloadEnvValues, // function to reload process.env
This method are a promise that execute one shell script with the env selected.
Setting default configs
You can set custom configs to your project creating the dots-env.config.js
file on root of your project and export your default configurations as a object. You are able to overwrite the configurations when you invoke CLI or call the processEnv
// dots-env.config.js
module.exports = {
env: 'development',
local: false,
envPath: '',
destinationPath: ''
📜 Help
Usage: _ [options] <command> [...args]
-e, --env [envName] Set the file `.env.[envName]` to use (default envName: development)
-l, --local [boolean] Set the `.local` file based on `--env`
-p, --envPath [path] Set the path of your `.env.*` files (default path: '.')
-d, --destinationPath [path] Set the path that `.env` will be created (default path: '.')
-c, --command [command] REQUIRED! Set the command that will execute with the selected env.
📋 Contributing Guide
If you would like to write types, tests or improve this package, please sent your PR! :D