Domain translator
JavaScript translator with plural forms support written in ES6.
$ npm install domain-translator
var dictionary = {
'en': {
projectName: 'Trees',
trees: {
appleTree: {
title: 'Apple tree',
fruits: {
title: 'Some apple|Some %count% apples',
var translator = new mesour.Translator({
language: 'en',
dictionary: dictionary
var projectName = translator.translate('projectName'); // output: Trees
var message = translator.translate('trees.appleTree.title'); // output: Apple tree
Using DomainTranslator
Can use DomainTranslator
to shorten keys.
var domainTranslator = translator.domain('trees.appleTree');
var title = domainTranslator.translate('title'); // output: Apple tree
And use method domain again on domainTranslator
var domainTranslatorFruits = domainTranslator.domain('fruits');
var title = domainTranslatorFruits.translate('title'); // output: Some apple
Plural forms
There is already registered 138 plural forms and you can find list of them on this site. If you will miss some language, wrote issue or register it by your own.
'en', // language code
2, // total count of plural forms for this language
'(n===1) ? 0 : 1' // decision code. In "n" variable is count of items and it says that if it is 1 item, first (0) form will be used, otherwise second form
For comparing, here is example of czech plural forms.
'(n===0) ? 2 : ((n===1) ? 0 : ((n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2))'
Now we have to add plural forms to our dictionary.
"apples": 'Some apple|Some %count% apples'
%count% will be automatically replaced with count of items. Again for comparing czech version.
"apples": 'Jedno jablko|%count% jablka|%count% jablek'
And now you can finally use it.
var message = translator.translate('apples', 2); // output: Some 2 apples
You can change pluralSeparator. Default is |
var translator = new mesour.Translator({
language: 'en',
dictionary: dictionary,
pluralSeparator: '|'
%count% is the base example of replacements, but you can create others. For example you can set replacement for %url% and then it will be automatically changed to name of your site, so if you will change it in future.
"info": "web site url: <a href=\"%url%\">%url%</a>"
var message = translator.translate('info', {
'url': ''
// output: web site url: <a href=""></a>
You can change replacement prefix and suffix character. Default is %
var translator = new mesour.Translator({
language: 'en',
dictionary: dictionary,
replacePrefix: '%',
replaceSuffix: '%'
If you set debug to true, you will receive warning in console for all non existing translate keys.
var translator = new mesour.Translator({
language: 'en',
dictionary: dictionary,
debug: true
Synchronous AJAX loading
Warning: This triggers in Chrome warning for deprecated.
var translator = new mesour.Translator({
language: 'en',
url: '/dictionary.php?locale=%locale%' // -> /dictionary.php?locale=en
// can translate here
var message = translator.translate('apples');