This package can be used to transfer files from one cloud storage service to another.
DocxlibJs - JavaScript client for docxlib_js.
This library can be used to transfer files from one storage service to another.
Currently integrated data sources -
Google Drive
Currently integrated data destinations -
S3 buckets\
NOTE : Digimocker is a just a mock service that we have integrated with, can only be used for testing out/playing with the lib.\
Visit this link for an exhaustive documentation + examples of using this library.
Install it via:
npm install docxlib_js --save
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var DocxlibJs = require('docxlib_js');
var api = new DocxlibJs.DestinationsApi()
var opts = {
's3Credentials': new DocxlibJs.S3Credentials() // {S3Credentials}
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.s3StorageListBuckets(opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- DocxlibJs.DestinationsApi | s3StorageListBuckets | POST /destination/s3/listBuckets | List all s3 buckets associated with given aws credentials DocxlibJs.SourcesApi | digiMockerSourceAuthCallback | POST /source/digimocker/oauth2callback | Returns oauth token from digimocker login url DocxlibJs.SourcesApi | digimockerSourceAuth | GET /source/digimocker/auth | Get Digimocker Auth Url DocxlibJs.SourcesApi | digimockerSourceListFiles | POST /source/digimocker/listFiles | Get list of all files in authenticated user's digimocker account DocxlibJs.SourcesApi | gDriveSourceAuth | POST /source/gdrive/auth | Get Google Drive Auth Url DocxlibJs.SourcesApi | gDriveSourceAuthCallback | POST /source/gdrive/oauth2callback | Returns oauth token from google callback url DocxlibJs.SourcesApi | gDriveSourceListFiles | POST /source/gdrive/listFiles | Get list of all files in authenticated user's google drive DocxlibJs.TransferApi | fileTransfer | POST /docTransfer | Endpoint to transfer chosen file from a source to destination storage
Documentation for Models
- DocxlibJs.DigiMockerFileList
- DocxlibJs.DigiMockerToken
- DocxlibJs.DigimockerFile
- DocxlibJs.FileTransfer
- DocxlibJs.FileTransferResult
- DocxlibJs.FileTransferSourceConfig
- DocxlibJs.GdriveClientCredentials
- DocxlibJs.GdriveFile
- DocxlibJs.GdriveFileList
- DocxlibJs.GdriveToken
- DocxlibJs.GdriveUrl
- DocxlibJs.InlineObject
- DocxlibJs.InlineObject1
- DocxlibJs.InlineObject2
- DocxlibJs.InlineObject3
- DocxlibJs.InlineObject4
- DocxlibJs.S3BucketList
- DocxlibJs.S3BucketListData
- DocxlibJs.S3Credentials
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.