A docsify plugin to work with namespaces
A docsify plugin that makes dealing with multi-dimensional documentation (namespaces) simpler:
- Automatically updates sidebar links to match the current namespace.
- Handles select input interactions (but do not adds
-s for you).
This plugin was built to support multi-language and multi-version documentation for AnyCable and TestProf.
<script src=""></script>
Minimal example
Register namespaces in you configuration:
window.$docsify = {
namespaces: [
// uniq namespace identifier (no used internally yet but maybe in the future)
id: "lang",
// recognizable values
values: ["ru", "de"],
// whether this namespace must be present in the path or not
optional: true,
id: "version",
values: ["v1", "v2"],
optional: true,
With the configuration above, whenever the page is loaded, with match the current path using the generated regexp (/^(\/(ru|de))?(\/(v1|v2))?/
and update all the links in the sidebar to start with the matching prefix. For example, if the current page is /ru/v1/
, we make sure that all sidebar links start with /ru/v1
This allows us to use relative paths in namespace-specific documentations and do not care about absolute links in the sidebar (thus, no need to update them when new namespace levels are added).
Adding selectors
A typical way of switching between namespaces is by adding a <select>
input. This plugin can integrate with the existing selects.
For example:
window.$docsify = {
name: '<a id="home-link" class="app-name-link" data-nosearch href="/">Home</a>' +
'<select id="lang-selector" name="lang">' +
'<option value="">English</value>' +
'<option value="ru">Русский</value>' +
'<option value="de">Deutsch</value>' +
// disable automatic linking to avoid navigating when clicking on select
nameLink: false,
namespaces: [
id: "lang",
values: ["ru", "de"],
optional: true,
// Specify select element query selector
selector: "#lang-selector",
Now this plugin takes care of reacting on select changes and also updating the current select value in case of a direct namespaced URL opening.
Default namespace
You can specify a default namespace to navigate to on page load (in case no namespace is specified in the url) by adding a default option:
window.$docsify = {
id: "version",
values: ["v1", "v2"],
optional: true,
default: "v2",
The project's scaffold is based on docsify-copy-code.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for details.