This is a docsify plugin that can convert drawio xml Data to a picture in your docs.
This is a docsify plugin that can convert drawio xml Data to a picture in your docs.
First - write your drawio File Path in Your Markdown File
[filename]( ':include :type=code')
Second - Add Some Script in your docsify html File.
!! It must put after your window.$docsify
<script src=""></script>
<script src=''></script>
Third - Add A Markdown render function in your $docsify.
window.$docsify = {
// You just have to copy it to Your own html File
markdown: {
renderer: {
code: function (code, lang) {
if (lang === 'drawio') {
if (window.drawioConverter) {
console.log('drawio 转化中')
return window.drawioConverter(code)
} else {
return `<div class='drawio-code'>${code}</div>`
} else {
return this.origin.code.apply(this, arguments);
Some detail
Because I haven't find a smaller plugin to convert drawio File to HTML, so I use the js File from viewer.min.js to convert it.
And I put this File to npm repo, so that I could use it by jsdelivr or other cdn.