A basic documentation template for docs_gm the fantastic documentation generator for GameMaker:Studio and GameMaker Studio 2
DocsGM Template: Basic
This is a basic template for docs_gm documentation generator. For more info about docs_gm, see
It includes four designs:
: (The default design) Shows all the project scripts in one single HTML pages with a table of contents. It does not shows the folder structure. Ideal for smaller projects.multipage
: Each script documentation is generated in a separate HTML file, and the index file contains a table of contents with links to each script page. It does not shows the project folder structure. Ideal for medium sizes projects.modules-onepage
: Each script and each folder is generated in a separate HTML file. Each folder shows the folder children with the documentation of each script on the same page. It shows the folder structure. Ideal for big sized projects.modules-multipage
: Each script and each folder is generated in a separate HTML file. Each folder shows the folder children with links to each one and to his parent folder. It shows the folder structure, but it requires more clicks to reach an specific script documentation. Ideal for huge sized projects.
This basic template is build using Bootstrap 4.