This project contains the cli tool for generating dockerfiles and docker compose files based on the user inputs
Our project aims to help you, through a series of question, in the generation of docker spec files. Based on the my experience as a Software developer, the CLI help generate:
- dockerfiles: taking examples of multiple application types, from front-end apps with React, Angular or View, to server applications of multiple platforms
- docker-compose files: helping you set up multiple service types that can cover your most basic needs
The package is now available on npm publicly and made available for you to experiment with. To use it, all you have to do is execute the following command:
> npx docker-cli-generator
And Happy Hacking
Developer Guide
To work with this package locally you can clone the repository and run the following commands to get started:
- Install dependancies
> yarn
- initiate husky to ensure commit linting
> yarn husky:prepare
- launch the application
> yarn start
Road-map & Contribution
No set of rules is made for this repository. It's a project that I started for fun and nothing serious about it so feel free to do whatever you want with it.
For the published package, reach me through issues or contact me directly if you have any suggestions to improve the tool
Handling other spec files generation is also an option that could be done in the future