npm scripts to automate working with docker images.
npm scripts to automate docker images.
An easy way to excute the typical sequence of building, running and pushing a docker image out of a node project to a private docker repo, or the public docker hub.
Uses the name and version number from package.json to keep your docker image name and version aligned.
in your project, execute
npm install docker-build-run-push --save
If you are pushing to a private docker repo, add the following to your package.json
"docker-registry": "",
Or if you are pushing to the public docker hub, add the following to your package.json
"docker-user": "ryanramage".
Add some scripts that look like this. You might adjust to your liking
"scripts": {
"docker-build": "rm -rf node_modules && npm i --production && docker-build",
"docker-run": "docker-run",
"docker-push": "docker-push",
Now in your project, when you are ready to make a new image, bump your version number in package.json.
To build a local docker image quickly, for running later
npm run docker-build
Run the local docker image just built
npm run docker-run
Push the docker image to the docker-registry specified in your package.json
npm run docker-push
docker-run arguments
It's common to have to pass arguments when running a docker. The '+' character to split the arguments for the docker command.
Here are some example of what they mean
Run a different command in the docker image then the CMD specified
npm run docker-run — node ./bin/cli.js
Pass a port and an env file as arguments.
npm run docker-run -- -p 3000:3000 --env-file .env +
Start an interactive terminal
npm run docker-run -- -i -t + /bin/bash