ERROR: No file found!
Seed files for a client-side web app. Jquery, Backbone and Underscore included. Uses LESS for CSS. Handlebars for JS templating.
- Grab this code (choose one)
- fork this repo (how-to fork)
- duplicate this repo (how-to duplicate)
- Download ZIP
- npm install
- gulp build
gulp build
- browserify js and put it in 'build' dir - index.js
- process less files and put in 'build' dir - index.css
- minify images and copy to 'build' dir
- minify html and copy to 'build' dir
- copy fonts to 'build' dir
gulp watch
- watch src/js then browserify on changes
- watch src/less then less on changes
- watch src/templates then browserify on changes
- watch src/images then imagemin on changes
- watch src/.html then htmlmin on changes
- watch src/fonts then fontcopy on changes
gulp browserify
- browserify js and put it in 'build' dir - index.js
gulp less
- process less files and put in 'build' dir - index.css
gulp imagemin
- minify images and copy to 'build' dir
gulp htmlmin
- minify html and copy to 'build' dir
gulp fontcopy
- copy fonts to 'build' dir
gulp deploy
- deploy 'build' dir to AWS S3 bucket
Reads aws.json file from root and deploys to S3 bucket. Important: will overwrite what's in your bucket
{ "key": "", // aws key "secret": "", // aws secret "bucket": "" // aws bucket to deploy to }