Creates helper files
Creates reexport files
It's fine if you use this library from NPM package with a static versioning in case you want it for some pet-project or to test it's capabilities.But for production use it's strongly recommended to create a fork, because I do not write Changelogs and may break / add some functionality without notice.
This library is a powerful helper for Front-End developers that leverages a lot of manual work. Thoroughly tested and nicely optimized, successfully used in medium and large scale Enterprise projects with a huge amount of plugins' configs.
Through plugins it can create:
- js (ts) files from .css theme files
- reexport files (and modular reexport files) with corresponding package.json
- js realtime validators from TypeScript models
Also it can watch your filesystem and recreate files on fly.
- Installation
- Plugin: theme
- Plugin: reexport
- Plugin: reexport-modular
- Plugin: validators
- Include and exclude files
- Add
to package.json and install - Execute overall generation before build (create some file and execute via
or add to your current build file)
import { generateFiles } from 'dk-file-generator';
configs: [],
timeLogs: true,
timeLogsOverall: true,
fileModificationLogs: true,
// If you use watch mode for local development
watch: {
paths: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')],
changedFilesLogs: true,
aggregationTimeout: 500,
works synchronously. Basic installation is complete, use plugins to add some functionality.
Plugin: theme
When work with CSS variables for theming, you need some JS implementation to apply them to <html>
This plugin helps to create corresponding js/ts file.
For example, you got file src/styles/theme.scss
.light {
--white: #fff;
--black-param: #000;
.dark {
--white: #aaa;
--black-param: #ddd;
and want to create src/const/theme.ts
/* eslint-disable */
// This file is auto-generated
export const theme = {
"light": {
"--white": "#fff",
"--black-param": "#000"
"dark": {
"--white": "#aaa",
"--black-param": "#ddd"
Use this recipe:
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'theme',
config: [
file: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/styles/theme.scss'),
targetFile: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/const/theme.ts'),
exportTemplate: ({ targetFileNameNoExt, themes }) =>
`${headerTemplate}${targetFileNameNoExt} = ${JSON.stringify(themes, null, 2)}`,
It is recommended to disable ESLint with a comment for generated files, so they could be consistent across all developers and CI
Then you will need just include this theme into html markup like this
import { theme } from 'src/const/theme';
function setThemeToHTML(themeParams: Record<string, string>) {
const root = document.documentElement;
Object.entries(themeParams).forEach(([cssVar, cssVarValue]) => {, cssVarValue);
Also you could use theme.ts
in you code for mappings, inline style variables and SSR.
- ensures that every theme has the same CSS variables
- not CSS variables (like
etc.) are ignored - no file rewritings when content is the same
absolute path to css filetargetFile
absolute path to target file (choose extension as you like)exportTemplate({ targetFileNameNoExt, themes })
- target file name without extension
: Record<TypeThemeName, Record<TypeVariableName, TypeVariableValue>>
- js object that represents themes
returns string
Plugin: reexport
Reads folder content and creates someReexportFile.ts(.js)
and package.json
in that folder.
Highly customizable.
- Typical scenario. You have folder
utils /
-- fileOne.ts
-- fileTwo.ts
and want to import their content from one place like
import { fnFromFileOne, fnFromFileTwo } from 'src/utils';
Use this recipe:
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'reexport',
config: [
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils'),
importTemplate: ({ fileNameNoExt }) => `export * from './${fileNameNoExt}';\n`,
fileNameTemplate: ({ folderName }) => `_${folderName}.ts`,
it creates a file src/utils/_utils.ts
/* eslint-disable */
// This file is auto-generated
export * from './fileOne';
export * from './fileTwo';
and src/utils/package.json
"main": "_utils.ts",
"types": "_utils.ts"
In need of a deep reexport of folders just add corresponding configs (children first)
utils /
-- folderOne
---- fileOne.ts
---- fileTwo.ts
-- folderTwo
---- fileOne.ts
---- fileTwo.ts
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'reexport',
config: [
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils/folderOne'),
importTemplate: ({ fileNameNoExt }) => `export * from './${fileNameNoExt}';\n`,
fileNameTemplate: ({ folderName }) => `_${folderName}.ts`,
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils/folderTwo'),
importTemplate: ({ fileNameNoExt }) => `export * from './${fileNameNoExt}';\n`,
fileNameTemplate: ({ folderName }) => `_${folderName}.ts`,
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils'),
importTemplate: ({ fileNameNoExt }) => `export * from './${fileNameNoExt}';\n`,
fileNameTemplate: ({ folderName }) => `_${folderName}.ts`,
So all functions from children files could be imported like import { someFn } from 'src/utils'
- Typical scenario when need to reexport default exports
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'reexport',
config: [
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils'),
importTemplate: ({ fileNameNoExt }) => `export { default as ${fileNameNoExt} } from './${fileNameNoExt}';\n`,
fileNameTemplate: () => `_customReexportFileName.ts`,
it creates a file src/utils/_customReexportFileName.ts
and src/utils/package.json
/* eslint-disable */
// This file is auto-generated
export { default as fileOne } from './fileOne';
export { default as fileTwo } from './fileTwo';
- Export as object (example with icons)
icons /
-- iconOne.svg
-- iconTwo.svg
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'reexport',
config: [
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/icons'),
importTemplate: ({ fileNameNoExt, fileName }) =>
`import ${fileNameNoExt} from './${fileName}';\n`,
exportTemplate: ({ fileNamesNoExt, folderName }) =>
`\nexport const ${folderName} = { ${fileNamesNoExt.join(', ')} }`,
fileNameTemplate: ({ folderName }) => `_${folderName}.ts`,
it creates a file src/icons/_icons.ts
and src/icons/package.json
/* eslint-disable */
// This file is auto-generated
import iconOne from './iconOne.svg';
import iconTwo from './iconTwo.svg';
export const icons = { iconOne, iconTwo };
and reexport file are excluded by default during reading folder content, so no cycle imports occur- file names are passed "as-is", so it's better to name them in
, because names likesome-file-name
cannot be keys of JS object without parentheses. You can still use it, but tune you reexport config accordingly
When reexport file is used, constants' and functions' names in children files must not be the same! Just some obvious warning.
absolute path to folderheaderTemplate
(optional) some text in the beginning of the fileincludeChildrenMask
(optional) look at this sectionimportTemplate({ fileNameNoExt, fileName })
- child file name without extension
- child file name with extension
returns string
fileNameTemplate({ folderName })
- folder name
returns string
exportTemplate({ fileNamesNoExt, folderName })
- array of children files' names without extension
- folder name
returns string
Plugin: reexport-modular
Deep reads folder children and creates someReexportFile.ts(.js)
For example, you have modular structure of pages and want to extract types from every modular store.
pages /
-- pageOne
---- store.ts
-- pageTwo
---- store.ts
-- pageThree
---- noStore.ts
Use this recipe:
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'reexport-modular',
config: [
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/pages'),
targetFile: path.resolve(__dirname, 'modularStores.ts'),
childFileOrFolderName: 'store.ts',
exportTemplate: ({ subFoldersOfFiles }) =>
`\nexport default { pages: { ${subFoldersOfFiles
.map(({ moduleName }) => moduleName)
.join(', ')} } };`,
importTemplate: ({ moduleName, relativePath }) =>
`import * as ${moduleName} from './${relativePath}';\n`,
it creates a file src/modularStores.ts
/* eslint-disable */
// This file is auto-generated
import pageOne from './pages/pageOne/store';
import pageTwo from './pages/pageTwo/store';
export default { pages: { pageOne, pageTwo } };
as you can see pageThree
is not exported because it has no store.ts
absolute path to foldertargetFile
absolute path to target reexport filechildFileOrFolderName
file name (with extension) or folder nameheaderTemplate
(optional) some text in the beginning of the fileincludeChildrenMask
(optional) look at this sectionimportTemplate({ moduleName, relativePath })
- first-level page name
- relative path from targetFile
to childFileOrFolderName
returns string
exportTemplate({ subFoldersOfFiles })
- array of { subFolderOrFilePath: string; moduleName: string }
returns string
Plugin: validators
Converts files in folder to validators using customized version of ts-interface-builder, that can be used by ts-interface-checker.
api /
-- getUser.ts
models /
-- TypeUser.ts
where api/getUser.ts
import { TypeUser } from '../models/TypeUser';
type TypeRequest = {};
type TypeResponse = TypeUser;
export const getUser: {
url: string;
request: TypeRequest;
response: TypeResponse;
} = {
url: `/api/user`,
request: {} as TypeRequest,
response: {} as TypeResponse,
and models/TypeUser.ts
export type TypeUser = {
email: string;
name: string;
someData: Array<[number, string]>;
Use this recipe:
import { TypeGenerateFilesParams } from 'dk-file-generator';
const headerTemplate = `/* eslint-disable */\n// This file is auto-generated\n\n`;
// Example of reuse compilerOptions from tsconfig.json, but you can pass custom rules
const { compilerOptions } = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'tsconfig.json'), 'utf-8')
const configs: TypeGenerateFilesParams['configs'] = [
plugin: 'validators',
config: [
folder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/api'),
targetFolder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/validators'),
triggerFolder: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/models'),
it creates a file src/validators/getUser.ts
/* eslint-disable */
// This file is auto-generated
import * as t from "ts-interface-checker";
// tslint:disable:object-literal-key-quotes
export const TypeUser = t.iface([], {
"email": "string",
"name": "string",
"someData": t.array(t.tuple("number", "string")),
export const TypeRequest = t.iface([], {
export const TypeResponse ="TypeUser");
const exportedTypeSuite: t.ITypeSuite = {
export default exportedTypeSuite;
absolute path to foldertargetFolder
absolute path to target foldertriggerFolder
(optional) absolute path to folder from which some models are imported.
IMPORTANT: in watch mode you should define this param if models are imported from some folder. Otherwise changes in
will not trigger new validators generation! Watcher does not build dependencies graph and does not know whether you have import statements in your files
(optional) some text in the beginning of the filecompilerOptions
(optional) TypeScript CompilerOptionsincludeChildrenMask
(optional) look at this section
Include and exclude files
Most of the plugins have includeChildrenMask
(RegExp) param in config that may be used to filter files. Examples:
includeChildrenMask: /\.ts$/
- include only .ts files
includeChildrenMask: /fileOne/
- include only files that contain fileOne in their name
includeChildrenMask: /^((?!fileOne\.ts|\.scss).)*$/
- exclude files fileOne.ts
and all files with .scss
includeChildrenMask: /^((?!_).)*$/
- exclude files that have _
in their filenames
Via RegExp you can include or exclude freely, so no need to create a param like excludeChildrenMask
for plugins.