Make your discord giveaways with this module. Made for DJS 13 & newer.
- Can be used on Discord.JS v13 and newer 🤓
- TypeScript/NodeJS supported 🤠
- Fully customizable and simple to use : add a blacklist for roles/users, personalize the button text or all the message of giveaway *(progress bar available)* 😎
- Can
giveaways on a storage file 🎉 - Special events
Example of importation
const {Client} = require("discord.js"), // Import Discord.js
{Manager} = require("djs-giveaways"), // Import Manager from the module djs-giveaways
client = new Client({intents: 513}), // Start the instance of a Discord Client with GUILDS & GUILDS_MESSAGES intents
Giveaway = new Manager(client, {
storage: require("path").join(__dirname, "storage.json"), // Import Storage, you must have a json file with contains a array "[]"
updateInterval: 10000 // Not required, the default value is 30000 (ms)
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} connected to Discord!`)
You can have access to functions like Giveaway.create(message, data)
, Giveaway.reroll(id)
, Giveaway.stop(id)
, Giveaway.delete(id)
or Giveaway.settings()
Class Manager
Giveaway.settings(); // Get internal settings of the module, return object
Giveaway.create(message, {
time: 1000, prize: "owo discord nitro!", winnerCount: 1, // Time, prize & winnerCount must be present when you call this function. You can customize all the content below, you can even delete these objects: they are automatically added.
button: "Participe",
data: {
"content": {
"text": "",
"participate": "You are now participating in the event!",
"removeParticipate": "You are no longer participate in the event \:(.",
"winMessage": "Congratulation {winner}, you won **{prize}**!",
"noWinner": "Giveaway canceled, nobody has a valid participation."
"embed": {
"color": 4375285,
"author": true,
"title": "{prize}",
"footer": {
"start": "ID: {id}",
"end": "End | ID: {id}",
"icon_url": ""
"description": {
"start": "React with the button to participate!\n\nHosted by: {user}.\nTime left: **{duration}** {progressBar}.",
"end": " Giveaway ended!\n\nWinners: {winner}\nHosted by: {user}."
"timestamp": message.createdAt
Giveaway.reroll(id); // Reroll a giveaway, you can provide the Giveaway ID or the message ID.
Giveaway.stop(id); // Stop a giveaway, you can provide the Giveaway ID or the message ID.
Giveaway.delete(id); // Delete a giveaway, you can provide the Giveaway ID or the message ID.
- Mw3y, for this Text-ProgressBar