This provides a set of utilities for the Discord.js library.
Discord.js Extra
This provides a set of utilities for the Discord.js library. You can find a full list of the features below, with examples and documentation.
The only thing that is required for this to work is the discord.js
npm i -s discord.js
npm i -s djs-extra
This is a step by step walkthrough of the features that djs-extra
Parameter Parsing
CommonJS Import const params = require('djs-extra/params');
ESM Import import params from 'djs-extra/params';
Splits some text into a name, list of raw arguments, and the remaining text.
function lex(text: string): {
name: string,
items: string[],
text: string
Executes the parameters with a given set of usages and calls the matching function. If an error occurred, info will be passed to the error handler.
function parse(
items: string[],
text: string,
client: Client,
guild: Guild,
usages: Record<string, Function>,
success: Function,
error: Function
Parameter Object
This is what you get for every flag and parameter that is parsed. Each helper returns null
if invalid.
function error(type: string, subtype: string, item: any) {} // Calls the error handler.
function text(): string {} // Returns the raw text.
function usage(): string {} // Returns the usage text.
function name(): string {} // Returns the parameter name.
function string(): string {} // Returns a parsed string.
function id(): string {} // Returns a Discord snowflake.
function channel(...types: string[]): Channel {} // Returns a channel object.
function message(channel: Channel): Promise<Message> {} // Returns a message object.
function emoji(): Emoji {} // Returns an emoji object.
function member(): Promise<GuildMember> {} // Returns a member object.
function user(): Promise<User> {} // Returns a user object.
function role(): Promise<Role> {} // Returns a role object.
function boolean(): boolean {} // Returns a boolean.
function number(min: number, max: number): number {} // Returns a number.
function integer(min: number, max: number): number {} // Returns an integer.
function exists(): boolean {} // Checks if the parameter is not empty.
function empty(): boolean {} // Checks if the parameter is empty.
Usage Syntax
Optional boolean flag.[example]
Optional item.[example...]
Optional remainder of text.<example>
Required item.<example...>
Required remainder of text.some|other
Specific options.
This is an example usage of the parameter system.
// Dependencies
const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');
const { lex, parse } = require('djs-extra/params');
const { token } = require('./config.json');
// Client
const client = new Client({ ws: { intents: Intents.ALL } });
// Ready Message
client.once('ready', () => console.log('The parameter testing bot is now online!'));
// Command Handler
client.on('message', async message => {
// Validate
if ( || message.guild === null) return;
// Check Prefix
let text = message.content;
if (!text.startsWith('!')) return;
text = text.slice(1).trimLeft();
// Apply Lexer
const result = lex(text);
if (result === undefined) return;
// Check Command
if ( === 'help') {
// Apply Parser
const output = await parse(result.items, result.text, client, message.guild, {
// Usage
'[category]': async category => {
// Execute Command
if (category.exists()) {
category = category.string();
await`Category: ${category}`);
} else {
await'No category.');
// Return Something
return 'Successfully executed command!';
// Log Result
// Discord Login