djs-easy is a javascript package for discord with the a lot stuff you need to make your bot programming easy
is a javascript package for discord with the a lot stuff you need to make your bot programming easy.
only available for node.js v16 or above.
added slash command handler
$ npm install djs-easy
some examples
const { TicTacToe } = require('djs-easy')
const game = new TicTacToe({
message: message,
xEmote: '❌', // The Emote for X
oEmote: '0️⃣', // The Emote for O
xColor: 'PRIMARY',
oColor: 'PRIMARY', // The Color for O
embedDescription: 'Tic Tac Toe', // The Description of the embed
const {GuildMember, Message} = require('discord.js')
const minigames = require('djs-easy')
let Snake = new minigames.SnakeGame(Message)
const ts = require('djs-easy')
Initialising (Mandatory)
Setup Ticket
- Message: (Object) is the object provided in client.on('messageCreate') event, if you want to use with slash command, you can provide Interaction which is provided in client.on('InteractionCreate') event in Djs v13.
- ChannelID: (String) is the channelID where you want bot to send the message to which people can react to and open a ticket, more customisation soon...
Closing Ticket
const { RockPaperScissors } = require('djs-easy')
const game = new RockPaperScissors({
message: message,
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const allIntents = new Discord.Intents(32767);
const client = new Discord.Client({
messageCacheLifetime: 60,
fetchAllMembers: false,
messageCacheMaxSize: 10,
restTimeOffset: 0,
restWsBridgetimeout: 100,
allowedMentions: {
parse: ["roles", "users", "eveoryone"],
repliedUser: true,
partials: ["MESSAGE", "CHANNEL", "REACTION"],
intents: allIntents,
const djseasy = require('djs-easy');
client.on("ready", () => {
djseasy.ModMail(client, {
guildID: "ID",
categoryID: "ID",
staffRole: "ID",
embedColor: "HEX",
anonymousReply: false/true,
closedTitle: "Your Mod Mail Has Been Closed",
closedMessage: "A Staff Member Has Deleted You Mod Mail!",
staffOpenedTitle: "User Opened Mod Mail",
staffOpenedMessage: "The User Opened A Mod Mail And Is Now Wait For A Reply!",
userOpenedTitle: "Mod Mail Created",
userOpenedMessage: "You Created A Mod Mail Ticket!",
wrongEmoji: "EMOJI",
rightEmoji: "EMOJI"
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const Chat = require("djs-easy");
const chat = new Chat({ name: "your bot name" });
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`Ready! Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on("message", async message => {
if( === "chat" && ! {
let reply = await
client.login("Your Token Here");
Command Handler(easy full setup)
Launch your bot along with the handler.
const handler = require('djs-easy');
const token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // your bot token
let client = handler(__dirname + '/commands', token, { customPrefix: '-', clientOptions: { disableEveryone: true } });
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(client.user.username + ' has successfully booted up.');
Login when you choose (supply a Client instance instead of a token).
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const handler = require('djs-easy');
const token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // your bot token
let client = new Client({ disableEveryone: true });
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(client.user.username + ' has successfully booted up.');
handler(__dirname + '/commands', client, { customPrefix: '-' });
Example command.
module.exports = {
id: 'ping',
aliases: ['pong'], // defaults to []
channels: 'any', // defaults to 'any'. options are: 'dm', 'guild', 'any'.
// 'call' is an instance of the Call class, a class containing various properties and utility functions.
exec: (call) => {'Pong! ' + Math.round( + 'ms D-API delay.');
Example command using the prompt function.
module.exports = {
id: 'dogcat',
exec: (call) => {
call.prompt('is dog you fav or cat is your fav',
{ time: 60000 }).then((msg) => {
// Resolves with the response.
if (msg.content.toLowerCase() === 'dog')'Boow! Mine too!');
}).catch((exc) => {
// Rejects when the command is cancelled, out of time, or surpasses the maximum amount of attempts.
// In this case surpassing the maximum amount of attempts is impossible since there is no filter.'Cancelled prompt.');
slash command handler(complex)(some errors)(advanced full setup)
const client = new Discord.client(options);
const { Handler } = require('djs-easy');
client.on('ready', () => {
// replace src/commands to the path with your commands folder.
// if your commands folder contain files then use commandType: "file". otherwise commandType: "folder"
const handler = new Handler(client, { guilds: ["guild id"], commandFolder: "/commands",commandType: "file" || "folder"});
console.log("bot is up!");
Complex handler example
const client = new Discord.client(options);
const { Handler } = require('djs-easy');
client.on('ready', () => {
// replace src/commands to the path to your commands folder.
const handler = new Handler(client, {
// Locations of folder should be provided with respect to the main file
// Location of the command folder
commandFolder: "/commands",
// Folder contains files or folders ?
commandType: "file" || "folder",
// Location of the event folder
eventFolder: "/events",
// Guild ID(s) where you want to enable slash commands (if slash command isn't global)
slashGuilds: ["guild id"],
// Add MONGO URI for timeouts
mongoURI: "some_mongo_uri",
// Make all commands slash commands
allSlash: true,
// User ID(s), these users will be considered as bot owners
owners: ["user id"],
handleSlash: true,
/* True => If you want automatic slash handler
* False => if you want to handle commands yourself
* 'both' => in this case instead of running the command itself we will invoke an event called 'slashCommand'
handleNormal: false,
/* True => If you want automatic normal handler
* False => if you want to handle commands yourself
* 'both' => in this case instead of running the command itself we will invoke an event called 'normalCommand'
prefix: "k!", // Bot's prefix
timeout: true, // If you want to add timeouts in commands
// reply to send when user don't have enough permissions to use the command
permissionReply: "You don't have enough permissions to use this command",
// reply to send when user is on a timeout
timeoutMessage: "You are on a timeout",
// reply to send when there is an error in command
errorReply: "Unable to run this command due to errors",
// reply to send when command is ownerOnly and user isn't a owner
notOwnerReply: "Only bot owners can use this command",
console.log("bot is up");
Custom Command Handler (Slash/Normal)
bot.on('ready', () => {
// Custom normal command handler, this function works when handleNormal is 'both'
handler.on('normalCommand', (command,command_data) => {
// handle the command
// command is your normal command object, for command_data go down below to data types
// Custom slash command handler, this function works when handleSlash is 'both'
handler.on('slashCommand', (command,command_data) => {
// handle the command
// command is your normal command object, for command_data go down below to data types
Handle Arguments for Slash Commands
run: async ({ args }) => {
// Wanna get an specific argument of a slash command?
args.get("argument name goes here");
// argument name = the one specified in options.
// Other ways to get options
args[0] // index
args["some name"] // get argument from name
All available events
* this event is invoked when Commands are added to client / Commands are loaded
* @param {Collection<string,command>} commands The collection of commands
* @param {Collection<string,string>} commandAliases The collection of command aliases
handler.on('commandsCreated', (commands, commandAliases) => { });
* this event is invoked when a user used a slash command and handleSlash is 'both'
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {Object} command_data the command data, check #types for more information
handler.on('slashCommand', (command, command_data) => { });
* this event is invoked when a user used a normal command and handleNormal is 'both'
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {Object} command_data the command data, check #types for more information
handler.on('normalCommand', (command, command_data) => { });
* This event is invoked when user don't provides enough arguments in a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('lessArguments', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when command is owner only but user is not an owner
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('notOwner', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when user don't have enough permissions to use a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('noPermissions', (command, message) => {
* commands: the command used
* message: the Discord message object
* This event is invoked when user is on a mOnly to use a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('timeout', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when a command is DM only but used in a guild
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('dmOnly', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when a command is guild only but used in a DM
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('guildOnly', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when an unknown error occurs while running a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
* @param {Error} error the error
handler.on('exception', (command, message, error) => { });
How to define command
// file name: help.js
module.exports = {
name: "help", // Name of the command
description: "Get some help", // Description of the command
aliases: ["gethelp"], // The aliases for command ( don't works for slash command )
category: "general", // the category of command
slash: "both", // true => if only slash, false => if only normal, "both" => both slash and normal
global: false, // false => work in all guilds provided in options, true => works globally
ownerOnly: false, // false => work for all users, true => works only for bot owners
dm: false, // false => Guild Only, true => Both Guild And DM, "only" => DM Only
timeout: 10000 | '10s', // the timeout on the command
args: "< command category > [ command name ]", // Command arguments, <> for required arguments, [] for optional arguments ( please provide required arguments before optional arguments )
// Arguments for slash commands
// first method
args: "< command category > [ command name ]", // Command arguments, <> for required arguments, [] for optional arguments ( please provide required arguments before optional arguments )
argsType: "String | String", // OPTIONAL, if you want to specify the argument type
// Available Types: String, Integer, Boolean, Channel, User, Role
// also Sub_command, Sub_command_group but these aren't tested yet
argsDescription: "The command category | the command name", // OPTIONAL, if you wanna add a cute little description for arguments
// Second method
// All properties are required, if not provided than you will get an error
options: [
name: "name of argument",
description: "description of the argument",
require: true or false,
type: "string"
error: async (errorType, command, message, error) => {
// If you want custom error handler for each command
* errorType: errorType ( check in data types at bottom for more info )
* command: the command
* message: the message object
* error: only in exceptions, the error message
// Required
run: async (command_data) => { // you can add custom run arguments
// your command's code
Date Types
command_data = {
client, // your discord client instance
guild, // the guild in which command was used
channel, // the channel in which command was used
interaction, // interaction if it is an slash command
args, // the array of arguments
member, // the guild member object
message, // the message object if normal command, in slash command it have less attributes ( to check its attribute read slash_message )
handler, // the instance of your command handler
slash_message = {
member, // the guild member object
author, // the user
client, // the instance of your client
guild, // the guild where command was used
channel, // the channel where command was used
interaction, // the ineraction if it is an slash command
content, // the message contnet
createdAT, // timestamps of the message creation
errorType = "noPermissions" | "exception" | "lessArguments" | "timeout" | "dmOnly" | "guildOnly";
EMBED BUILDER(LATEST)(easy full setup)
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const djseasy = require(`djs-easy`);
const client = new Client();
client.embed = new djseasy.embedbuilder(client).createEmbed
client.on("interactionCreate", (client, interaction) => {
if (interaction.commandName == "embed") {
client.on("messageCreate", (client, message) => {
let prefix = "!";
let args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
let command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command == "embed") {