A package for managing locks for critical sections while allowing horizontal scaling or micro-service architecture
Distributed Locks
A package for managing locks for critical section in a micro-service/horizontal deployment
Most packages for managing access to critical sections assume a single machine deployment scenario (locks are local to the process running not across multiple process/machines), given todays standards that's very unlikely, for availability we might have replicas of the same app up and running but we still need a centralized way of managing lock across those replicas
Available Storage Layers
| Storage | Link | | -------- | ------- | | Redis | distributed-locks-redis| | Postgresql | distributed-locks-postgresql| | Mongodb | distributed-locks-mongodb|
import LocksFactory, {FailedToObtainKey} from 'distributed-locks'
import {RedisStorage} from 'distributed-locks-redis'
const storage = new RedisStorage({ keyPrefix:'my-locks', url: redisUrl });
const locksFactory = new LockFactory(storage);
// Value of the key should represent the critical section
const lock = locksFactory.createLock('my-key');
try {
await lock.lock({ttl: 10, interval: 5, retires: 3});
// execute some code
// ...
// ...
if(err instanceOF FailedToObtainKey) {
// Couldn't get lock
finally {
await lock.unlock()
The different types of storage supported for maintaining locks states
Redis storage
const storage = new RedisStorage({ keyPrefix:'my-locks', url: redisUrl });
| arguments | type |required| default | description |
| ------- | ---------- | ---------- | --------- | --------- |
| arg0.keyPrefix | string | false | 'distributed-locks' | Prefix for all the keys used to make locks in redis, used to prevent conflicts with other keys |
| arg0.url | string | true | - | Redis connection url, should start with redis://
Postgresql storage
const storage = new PostgresqlStorage({
tableName: 'locks',
database: 'postgres',
host: container.getHost(),
port: container.getMappedPort(5432),
username: 'user',
password: 'password',
| arguments | type |required| default | description | | ------- | ---------- | ---------- | --------- | --------- | | arg0.keyPrefix | string | false | 'distributed-locks' | Prefix for all the keys used to make locks in redis, used to prevent conflicts with other keys | | arg0.port | number | true | - | Port of the Postgresql server| | arg0.host | string | true | - | Host of the Postgresql server| | arg0.database | string | true | - | Name of the database| | arg0.username | string | true | - | Username of the Postgresql server| | arg0.password | string | true | - | Password of the username provided| | arg0.tableName | string | false | locks | The table name that will be used to store locks states|
MongoDB storage
const storage = new MongoStorage({ url: 'mongodb://.....', database: 'db', collectionName: 'locks'});
| arguments | type |required| default | description |
| ------- | ---------- | ---------- | --------- | --------- |
| arg0.url | string | true | - | Redis connection url, should start with redis://
| arg0.database | string | true | - | Name of the database|
| arg0.collectionName | string | false | locks | The collection name that will be used to store locks states|
Locks Factory
| arguments | type | required| default | description | | -------| ---------- | ---------- | ---------| --------- | | storage | IStorage | true | - | The storage instance that will be used by locks to try and lock critical section |
Create lock
const lock = locksFactory.createLock('my-key');
| arguments | type | required| default | description | | -------| ---------- | ---------- | ---------| --------- | | key | string | true | - | The key that will be used to lock a certain critical section |
await lock.lock({ttl: 10, interval: 5, retires: 3});
| arguments | type | required| default | description | | -------| ---------- | ---------- | ---------| --------- | | arg0.ttl | number | false | 10 | The time to live for locking the critical section to prevent starvation, should be more than the expected time of work that needs to be done while obtaining a lock | | arg0.retries | number | false | 3 | The number of times to try to obtain the lock, if the last try fails the function will throw an error | | arg0.interval | number | false | 1 | The interval of time waiting in seconds between each retry to obtain the lock |
await lock.unlock();
| arguments | type | required| default | description | | -------| ---------- | ---------- | ---------| --------- |
To run tests locally you need a running docker host, as some tests spawn up docker containers
- At any given time, for the same value for the key, only one lock can be locked
- Locking doesn't cause starvation as there is a ttl on each lock obtained
- If the locks ttl expires and
was called on the lock, it won't unlock that section if it was already obtained by another lock
Guarantees are done by applying the red-lock algorithm and lua scripts to provide atomicity of any operation
Guarantees are done by using REPEATABLE READ ISOLATION
level for transactions to set/delete keys, the statement is a single insert statement with ON CONFLICT
with the key value condition, updates the current row only if it already expired (checkout the postgres storage file).
Using mongo default atomicity guarantees on single document, and unique index on the _id