A simple console output formatter to use with discord.js discord bots
📜 Usage
const dislogger = require('disjs-logger');
const logger = new logger('C:\\Users\\Username\\ProjectDirectory\\logfile.txt');
// Double back slashes are used as a single backslash is an escape character.
logger.log("content", "type", __filename, "Message shown in console (MTD)");
✍ Arguements & Paramaters
- Content (STRING) - The content or error shown in the log file.
- Type (STRING) - The type of log, you can view the types below or input a custom type to use your own.
- Filename (STRING) - The file where the log was invoke, usually __filename.
- MTD (STRING) - The message to display in console when the log is invoked.
- Error - This is when you have an error of course, like my code (RED)
- Log - The standard log (BLUE)
- Warn - Input when you have a warning (YELLOW)
- Debug - Standard debug for your projects (GREY)
- Ready - Made for djs bots just to use in your ready event (GREEN)
- Success - Like the ready type but for when something goes right (GREEN)
- Perms - For when you need to say you have no permission in console (MAGENTA)
- Nodeexc - This is just a standard Uncaught Exception but formatted (RED)
- Noderejc - Again a standard Unhandled Rejection but formatted (RED)
- Input a type other than these and it will still show, this is where the custom type comes in (Custom logs will always be blue)
📦 Dependencies
📂 Examples
You can find all the examples in the file called examples.js
🧑 Contact
_Made with ♥ by IceyyM8