Discord.JS v14 handlers in just one line.
New Discord.JS v14 handlers in just one line!
🙋♂ ~ Contact me on Discord: _Pablo#7777
✅ Installation
npm i discordjs-handlers
📌 Event Handler
Event Handler: DiscordJSHandlers.events(folder, client)
Show parameter is optional, and it make console.log loaded events or not.
const {Client, IntentsBitField} = require("discord.js");
const DiscordJSHandlers = require("discordjs-handlers");
const client = new Client({intents: new IntentsBitField(["Guilds","GuildMessages"])});
DiscordJSHandlers.events("events", client); // where "events" is events folder name
client.login('BOT TOKEN HERE'); // TOKEN is bot access token gained from discord developers portal
Examples of events:
// ready Event
module.exports = {
name: 'ready',
once: true,
async execute(client) { // execute() is where you will pass the rest of needed arguments, client is always the last argument.
console.log(`The bot is now online!`);
// messageCreate Event
module.exports = {
name: 'messageCreate',
async execute(message, client) { // execute() is where you will pass the rest of needed arguments, client is always the last argument.
console.log(`Message has been sent! Content: ${message.content}.`);
Events parameters
- name of the eventexecute()
- function to execute when event is called
- true/false, if event can be called only once.
📌 Command Handler
Command Handler: DiscordJSHandlers.commands(folder, client, token)
Bot token is used to pull slash commands through Discord Rest API.
Show parameter is optional, and it make console.log loaded commands or not.
const {Client, IntentsBitField} = require("discord.js");
const DiscordJSHandlers = require("discordjs-handlers");
const client = new Client({intents: new IntentsBitField(["Guilds","GuildMessages"])});
DiscordJSHandlers.commands("commands", client, 'BOT TOKEN HERE'); // where "commands" is events folder name
client.login('BOT TOKEN HERE'); // TOKEN is bot access token gained from discord developers portal
Example of command:
// Ping Command
module.exports = {
name: 'ping',
async execute(interaction, client) { // execute() is where you will pass the rest of needed arguments, client is always the last argument.
interaction.reply({content: `**Pong:**\n> Bot: \`${sentMessage.createdTimestamp - message.createdTimestamp}ms\``})
Commands parameters
- name of the commanddescription
- description of commandexecute()
- function to execute when event is called
- permission, which interaction user must have.
📌 Button Handler
Button Handler: DiscordJSHandlers.buttons(folder, client, show)
Show parameter is optional, and it make console.log loaded buttons or not.
const {Client, IntentsBitField} = require("discord.js");
const DiscordJSHandlers = require("discordjs-handlers");
const {TOKEN} = require("./config.json");
const client = new Client({intents: new IntentsBitField(["Guilds","GuildMessages"])});
DiscordJSHandlers.events("buttons", client); // where "buttons" is buttons folder name
client.login(TOKEN); // TOKEN is bot access token gained from discord developers portal
Example of button:
module.exports = {
id: 'verification',
async execute(interaction, client) { // execute() is where you will pass the rest of needed arguments, client is always the last argument.
interaction.reply("Button clicked").
// do more stuff
Buttons parameters
- id of the buttonexecute()
- function to execute when event is called
- sets a permission which interaction user must haveownerOnly
- only discord server owner can execute this button
💡 Example
const DiscordJSHandlers = require('discordjs-handlers'); //Requiring DiscordJS-Handlers module.
const {Client, IntentsBitField} = require('discord.js'); //Requiring Discord.js module.
const client = new Client({intents: new IntentsBitField(["Guilds", "GuildMessages"])}); //Creating new Discord.JS Client instance.
DiscordHandlers.events("events", client); //Running the event handler
DiscordHandlers.commands("commands", client, 'BOT TOKEN HERE'); //Running the command handler
client.login('BOT TOKEN HERE');
📝 Features
- Command Handler in just one line.
- Event Handler in just one line.
- Button Handler in just one line.
- Discord.JS v14 Support