Make a discord bot super easily with discordcreate
discordcreate is a discordjs package to make creating a discord bot much easier.
- Creates all of the neccesary files - including an efficient command handler
- Easy install and easy command creation
discordcreate requires Node.js to run. discordcreate also requires a number of packages for the bot to run, these can be installed using npm. So firstly install the dependencies.
$ npm i discord.js fs glob discordcreate git-clone moment inquirer
To setup the bot using this package, you will need to install the above packages and create and init.js file with this code inside:
const dscreate = require('discordcreate');
Now you need to simply type
node init.js
This will start the setup process where it will ask for the bot token and the prefix you want the bot to use. If you wish to change these at a later time, simply go to the config.json file where you can change them manually.
Creating commands
Firstly, you will need to head to src/Commands/ where you will find some categorized subfolders. You can create more subfolders and they will be added the the help command automatically as a category. To create commands go to the category of your choice and create a javascript file. There are already some examples for you to use the layout of when creating commands. So copy and paste the code from the ping.js file and change the name, aliases and description and then add the code you want to run when the command is called.