Renamed, download from here https://www.npmjs.com/package/easycommands.json
Renamed, download from here https://www.npmjs.com/package/easycommands.json
easycommands.json is an easy way to make discord commands by using a JSON file with input and output key value pairs instead of using a shit ton (Don't deny it) of if statements or switch cases that fill up your code by an unnecessary amount.
Note: init refers to how you defined the easycommands.json module, which is what the example shows.
Note: Can use object instead of JSON File.
Firstly install the package
npm i easycommands.json
Secondly import the easycommands.json module
// ES6 || TypeScript
import init from "easycommands.json";
// CommonJS
const init = require("easycommands.json");
Short Info
There are 2 approaches to the easy commands.
First way being to make a JSON File(s) which will be shown below. - Better because is a file, seperated from code. Easier and more simple to work with as a whole and for beginners. Unless need somewhat complicated commands. JSON is the way to go.
Make an object(s) with the same format as the JSON File. - Better because have better functionatly, can make input be an array from other packages. Use of typescript interface which make it easier to work with.
First make the JSON file
"prefix": [{}], // The prefix property is for inputs which need a prefix. OPTIONAL
"noPrefix": [{}] // noPrefix property is for responding to plain message content. OPTIONAL
Both of noPrefix and prefix have the same properties
JSON File example
"prefix": [{
"input": "rules", // Input to listen for. REQUIRED (If array, elements acts as aliases)
"output": "**1.** No being rude.\n**2.** No Ads", // Output to respond. REQUIRED (If array gets random element)
"messageOptions": { // Discord MessageOptions with custom properties. OPTIONAL
"split": true,
"respondToSelf": false, // Custom Property which tells to respond to self or not. DEFUALT: FALSE
"respondToBots": true, // Custom Property which tells to respond to other bots or not. DEFUALT: TRUE
"respondToUsers": true, // Custom Property which tells to respond to other users. DEFUALT: TRUE
"equalContent": false, // Custom Proerty which says to exacly equal input, or just include input. DEFAULT: TRUE
"embed": { "title": "Check Rules Above!" } // Embed Object https://discordjs.guide/popular-topics/embeds.html#using-an-embed-object
"noPrefix": [{
"input": ["Hello!", "Hey!", "Sup", "Nice to meet you"], // Input to listen for. REQUIRED (If array, elements acts as aliases)
"output": ["Hey!", "GoodBye"], // Output to respond with. REQUIRED (If array gets random element)
"messageOptions": { // Discord Message Options
"code": "json"
If copy, Remove code comments from JSON example
Now either call the init function inside or outside the message event.
Example Code Outside Event
const init = require("easycommands.json");
const { Client } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Client();
// Outside Event
init(client /* Client Object */, {
// Options
commands: "./pathToJSONCommandsFile.json", // Path to JSON file with commands OR JS object of the shown JSON Format. REQUIRED
logOnReady: true /* Only for outside event, will log on ready event if true which will log default, or string being own custom message.
prefix: "!", // Prefix to check for the prefix property inputs. Defualt: "" (Empty String)
reply: false, // Use message.reply if true for responding to commands. DEFAULT: FALSE
}); // Returns passed Client object
/* Note: init Function Adds commandsJSON property to client, value being the parsed JSON file/Object. */
Example Code Inside Message Event
const init = require("easycommands.json");
const { Client } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Client();
client.on("message", (msg) => {
const prefix = ExampleDataBase.get(msg.guild.id); // Mocking DB Prefix
init(client /* Instantiated Client */, {
// Options
commands: "./pathToJSONCommandsFile.json", // Path to JSON file. REQUIRED
prefix: prefix ?? "!", // Prefix to check for the prefix property inputs. Defualt: "" (Empty String)
reply: false, // Use message.reply if true for responding to commands. DEFAULT: FALSE
message: msg, // Message object to access the content, etc properties. REQURIED
}); // Returns Message Object Of Reply || Passed Client
/* Note: init Function Adds commandsJSON property to client, value being the parsed JSON file/Object. */
Object example
// JavaScript
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const Commands = { // Follows same format as JSON.
prefix: [{
input: "rules", // Input to listen for. REQUIRED (If array, elements acts as aliases)
output: "**1.** No being rude.\n**2.** No Ads", // Output to respond. REQUIRED (If array gets random element)
messageOptions: { // Discord MessageOptions with custom properties. OPTIONAL
split: true,
respondToSelf: false, // Custom Property which tells to respond to self or not. DEFUALT: FALSE
respondToBots: true, // Custom Property which tells to respond to other bots or not. DEFUALT: TRUE
respondToUsers: true, // Custom Property which tells to respond to other users. DEFUALT: TRUE
equalContent: false, // Custom Proerty which says to exacly equal input, or just include input. DEFAULT: TRUE
embed: new MessageEmbed().setTitle("Check Rules above") // Messagembed Constructor https://discordjs.guide/popular-topics/embeds.html#using-the-richembedmessageembed-constructor
noPrefix: [{
input: ["Hello!", "Hey!", "Sup", "Nice to meet you"], // Input to listen for. REQUIRED (If array, elements acts as aliases)
output: ["Hey!", "GoodBye"], // Output to respond with. REQUIRED (If array gets random element)
messageOptions: {
code: "json"
// TypeScript
import init, { CommandObject } from "easycommands.json";
const Commands: CommandObject /* TS Interface for command */ {
// ...
Now either call the init function inside or outside the message event.
Example Code Outside Event
const init = require("easycommands.json");
const { Client, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Client();
const Commands = {
/* Put example object here */
// Outside Event
init(client /* Instantiated Client */, {
// Options
commands: Commands, // Path to Command Object. REQUIRED
logOnReady: true /* Only for outside event, will log on ready event if true which will log default, or string being own custom message.
prefix: "!", // Prefix to check for the prefix property inputs. Defualt: "" (Empty String)
reply: false, // Use message.reply if true for responding to commands. DEFAULT: FALSE
}); // Returns passed Client object
/* Note: init Function Adds commandsJSON property to client, value being the parsed JSON file/Object. */
Example Code Inside Message Event
const init = require("easycommands.json");
const { Client, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Client();
const Commands = {
/* Put example object here */
client.on("message", (msg) => {
const prefix = ExampleDataBase.get(msg.guild.id); // Mocking DB Prefix
init(client /* Instantiated Client */, {
// Options
commands: Commands, // Path to Command Object. REQUIRED
prefix: prefix ?? "!", // Prefix to check for the prefix property inputs. Defualt: "" (Empty String)
reply: false, // Use message.reply if true for responding to commands. DEFAULT: FALSE
message: msg, // Message object to access the content, etc properties. REQURIED
}); // Returns Message Object Of Reply || Passed Client
/* Note: init Function Adds commandsJSON property to client, value being the parsed JSON file/Object. */
More info
Commands property of initOptions allow array of files and objects.
// File Paths to JSON and Objects
init(client, {
commands: ["./commands1.json". "./commands2.json", { prefix: []}, { noPrefix: []}]
// Just File Paths to JSON
init(client, {
commands: ["./commands1.json". "./commands2.json"]
// Just Objects
init(client, {
commands: [{ prefix: []}, { noPrefix: []}]