A package to easily make tic tac toe game for discord bot
npm i discord.tictactoe
What is this for?
This package is created for making a Tic-Tac-Toe game for discord bots with Message Components.
This package is very easy to use and you can request new updates and stuff simply by messaging me on my discord server
const ttt = require('discord.tictactoegame');
const tttInstance = new ttt();
* This method will start a Solo game between The message author and bot, everything is automatic <3
* @param {Discord.Message} message The message object where the command was used
* @param {Discord.Client} bot Your client object
tttInstance.solo(message, bot);
* This method will start a Duo game between The message author and Player 2, everything is automatic <3
* @param {Discord.Message} message The message object where the command was used
* @param {Discord.User} player2 The mentioned User / second player. Note it should be a discord user Object not guild member object
tttInstance.duo(message, player2);
Advanced (Custom Messages)
const ttt = require('discord.tictactoegame');
const tttInstance = new ttt({
drawEndDescription: "HAHA Game ended with a draw, I am sure both player are nerds.",
drawEndTitle: "GAME ENDED WITH A DRAW 🦕",
endDescription: "**{winner}** is the winner and a nerd i.e. **{loser}** is the loser",
endTitle: "Game ended with a victori",
forceEndDescription: "Game ended forcfully by {user}",
forceEndTitle: "A nerd ran away :(",
requestTitle: "You have been request to join Tic Tac Toe GAME!",
timeEndDescription: "{user} is toooo sloww mannn",
timeEndTitle: "TIMEOUTTTT !",
autoDelete: 1600,
* The Tic Tac Toe object
* @param {Object} options The options for the game
* @param {Number} options.autoDelete Time after which auto delete useless bot messages.
* @param {String} options.startTitle The game starting title.
* @param {String} options.requestTitle The title for request message in user DM.
* @param {String} options.forceEndTitle The title when game is ended forcefully
* @param {String} options.forceEndDescription The description when game is ended forcefully
* @param {String} options.timeEndTitle The title when user failed in choosing their move.
* @param {String} options.timeEndDescription The description when user failed in choosing their move.
* @param {String} options.drawEndTitle The title when game ended with a draw.
* @param {String} options.drawEndDescription The description when game ended with a draw.
* @param {String} options.endTitle The title when game ended normally.
* @param {String} options.endDescription The description when game ended normally.
* @param {0 | 1 | 2} options.replyType How to reply? 0 => .reply, 1 => editReply, 2 => followUp
* @param {Boolean} options.ephemeral If the created reply should be ephemeral.
* @param {Boolean} options.chooseMoveMessage Whether bot should ask the player to choose move
Game Result
const response = await tttInstance.solo(params); // or duo
* @property {Number} win 0 => draw, 1 => first user won, -1 => second user won
* @property {Message} message the discordmessage object
- This version works for both Discord JS 13 & 14
If you need any help or something you can get support on my discord server
Legendary - 5% Rare - 15% common - 80%
Spawn - 15% No Spawn - 85%