1) Run npm i discord-spoofer in your terminal or console. Be sure to install the latest version. 2) Create a bot command for your spoof message. 3) Define the package: const spoof = require('discord-spoofer'); 4) Setup your command:
Getting Started:
- Run npm i discord-spoofer in your terminal or console. Be sure to install the latest version.
- Create a bot command for your spoof message.
- Define the package: const spoof = require('discord-spoofer');
- Setup your command:
Setting up your command can be done how you would like, however, you must include the following code:
spoof({ message: your message, channel: the channel to send the message, member: the member to spoof });
Message: your message should be a STRING
Channel: your channel should be a CHANNEL, not a name or ID
Member: your member needs to be a MEMBER, not an ID, username, or user
With the function above in place, a spoof message will be sent when running the command.
Code Example:
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js') const spoof = require('discord-spoofer');
module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('spoof') .setDescription('Spoof someone!') .addUserOption(option => option.setName('member').setDescription('The member you want to spoof').setRequired(true)) .addStringOption(option => option.setName('message').setDescription('The message you want the member to say').setRequired(true)), async execute (interaction) {
const { options } = interaction;
const member = await interaction.guild.members.cache.get(options.getUser('member').id);
const message = options.getString('message');
if (message.includes('@everyone') || message.includes('@here')) return await interaction.reply({ content: `You cannot use this command to bypass permissions.`, ephemeral: true });
await interaction.reply({ content: `Your message has been spoofed:`, ephemeral: true})
spoof({ member: member, message: message, channel: interaction.channel }).catch(async err => {
await interaction.editReply({ content: `There was an error: \`${err}\``, ephemeral: true });