A discord client which posts piped shell data
I' d like to allow a shell process to send Discord chat messages.
You just need to pipe text input into discord-shell-slave
discord-shell-slave... Isn' t it a little bit long?
Yes it is. There exists an alias called dss
I' d like to know more. What is it good for?
In fact any shell script can send a Discord chat message now. So you do not need any coder skills to use it. If you have coding skills QWMI is an excelent usecase and a good example which supports the enhanced JSON structure.
JSON structure?dss
will parse piped string data into a JSON object if it is a valid JSON string. If not it will take the string and send a simple text message. If it is JSON dss
expects the following structure.
color : "0x3498db",
title : "test",
author : {name : "discord-shell-slave"},
fields : [{name:"Message", value: "Hello"}]
How to install it on my machine?
npm i -g discord-shell-slave
No configuration?
For shure you need one. You need to create a file called .discord-shell-slave-rc
in the current working directory of your shell or in one of its parent directories.
"my-connection-name" : {
"channel" : "General",
"token" : "M*U4N*MwO****4NDg0M*I0.CzMGvA****iGcZW******"
How to use it?
echo hello world | discord-shell-slave --connect my-connection-name
If you want to pass the the configuration file as parameter you can use --config
with an absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
echo hello world | discord-shell-slave --connect my-connection-name --config /path/to/my/.discord-shell-slave-rc
for more details see COMMANDLINE-ARGUMENTS.md
How is this software licensed? MIT