An rewamped fork of the discord-backup module ! by the iHorizon Team
Discord Server Backup Manager - Save, Load, and Restore with Ease!
Note: This module leverages the latest pwss features and requires pwss v14.
Discord RE-Backup is a robust Node.js module designed for effortless management of Discord server backups.
- Create unlimited backups in under 10 seconds!
- Restore messages, even with webhooks!
- Restore everything possible, including channels, roles, permissions, bans, emojis, name, icon, and more!
npm install --save discord-rebackup
Create a backup for the specified Discord server with ease!
* @param {Guild} [Guild] - The Discord server you want to backup
* @param {object} [options] - Backup options
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
backup.create(Guild, options).then((backupData) => {
console.log(backupData.id); // NSJH2
Click here to explore advanced backup options.
Effortlessly load a backup onto a Discord server!
* @param {string} [backupID] - The ID of the backup you want to load
* @param {Guild} [Guild] - The Discord server where you want to load the backup
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
backup.load(backupID, Guild).then(() => {
backup.remove(backupID); // Recommended to delete the backup after loading
Retrieve information from a backup
* @param {string} [backupID] - The ID of the backup to fetch
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
backup.fetch(backupID).then((backupInfos) => {
id: "BC5qo",
size: 0.05
data: {BackupData}
Warning: Once removed, a backup is irrecoverable!
* @param {string} [backupID] - The ID of the backup to remove
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
Note: backup#list()
returns an array of IDs; fetching the ID provides complete information.
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
backup.list().then((backups) => {
console.log(backups); // Expected Output [ "BC5qo", "Jdo91", ...]
Update the storage folder location
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
await backup.create(guild); // Backup created in ./backups/
await backup.create(guild); // Backup created in ./my-backups/
Advanced Usage
Create [Advanced]
Utilize additional options for backup creation:
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
backup.create(guild, {
maxMessagesPerChannel: 10,
jsonSave: false,
jsonBeautify: true,
doNotBackup: [ "roles", "channels", "emojis", "bans" ],
saveImages: "base64"
maxMessagesPerChannel: Maximum messages to save in each channel. "0" saves no messages.
jsonSave: Save the backup to a JSON file; save the backup data in your own DB for loading later.
jsonBeautify: Format the JSON backup for better readability.
doNotBackup: Exclude items from backup, such as roles
, channels
, emojis
, bans
saveImages: Save images like guild icon and emojis as "url" or "base64" (recommended for server cloning).
Load [Advanced]
Load a backup from your own data instead of using an ID:
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
backup.load(backupData, guild, {
clearGuildBeforeRestore: true
clearGuildBeforeRestore: Clear the guild (roles, channels, etc.) before the backup restoration (recommended). maxMessagesPerChannel: Maximum messages to restore in each channel. "0" restores no messages.
Example Bot
// Load modules
import backup from "discord-rebackup";
import { Client, EmbedBuilder } from "pwss";
client = new Client();
settings = {
prefix: "b!",
token: "YOURTOKEN"
// ... (rest of the bot code)
//Your secret token to log the bot in. (never share this to anyone!)
Restored Elements
Here are all elements that can be restored with discord-rebackup
- Server icon, banner, region, splash
- Server verification level, explicit content filter, default message notifications
- Server embed channel
- Server bans (with reasons)
- Server emojis
- Server AFK (channel and timeout)
- Server channels (with permissions, type, nsfw, messages, etc.)
- Server roles (with permissions, color, etc.)
Note: Certain elements like server logs, invitations, and vanity URLs cannot be restored.