A package to easily make a moderation bot
❔ About
Discord-Mod-Bot is a package that makes it easier to make a moderation discord bot, with easily functions to kick, ban, mute members etc. And last but not least.. Why are you still reading this?! Go for it and install it!
📊 Installation
Before installing:
- You need to have node.js installed
- You need the NPM package 'discord.js'
After you have/did this.. You can finally install the package!
Terminal Command:
$ npm install discord-mod-bot
✏ Usage
Currently available commands:
- Kicks a member from the serverBan
- Bans a member from the serverMute
- Mutes a member from the serverUnmute
- Unmutes a member from the server when he/she is mutedLock
- Locks a channel in the server.Unlock
- Unlocks a channel in the server when locked.Slowmode
- Updates the slowmode for a channel.
More coming soon..
Kicks a member from the server.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|-------------------------------------|-------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | member | The member to kick | GuildMember | 2 | | reason | The reason why the member is kicked | string | 3 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 4 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !kick do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!kick')) {
// Getting the member that is mentioned (has to be a GuildMember not a User)
const member = message.mentions.members.first()
// The reason of the mute
const reason = 'Did something wrong!'
// Running the kick command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {member.tag}, {member.username}, {member.id}, {member.mention}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}, {reason}
command.kick(message, member, reason, '`{member.tag}` ({member.id}) was kicked by {author} with the reason {reason}')
// Logging into the client
Bans a member from the server.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|-------------------------------------|-------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | member | The member to kick | GuildMember | 2 | | reason | The reason why the member is kicked | string | 3 | | days | The total days of the ban | integer | 4 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 5 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !kick do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!ban')) {
// Getting the member that is mentioned (has to be a GuildMember not a User)
const member = message.mentions.members.first()
// The reason of the mute
const reason = 'Did something wrong!'
// The total days of the ban
const days = 7
// Running the ban command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {member.tag}, {member.username}, {member.id}, {member.mention}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}, {reason}, {days}
command.ban(message, member, reason, days, '`{member.tag}` ({member.id}) was banned by {author} with the reason {reason} for {days} days')
// Logging into the client
Mutes a member from the server.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|---------------------------------|-------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | member | The member to mute | GuildMember | 2 | | role | The mute role | GuildRole | 3 | | time | The time of the mute | string | 4 | | reason | The reason of the mute | string | 5 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 6 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !mute do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!mute')) {
// Getting the member that is mentioned (has to be a GuildMember not a User)
const member = message.mentions.members.first()
// The role the user gets when muted
const role = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === 'muted')
// The time of the mute, example: 10s / 15m / 2h / 1d
const time = '10s'
// If no time
const time = null || false
// The reason of the mute
const reason = 'Did something wrong!'
// Running the mute command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {member.tag}, {member.username}, {member.id}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}, {reason}, {time}, {role.name},{role.id}, {role.mention}
command.mute(message, member, role, time, reason, '`{member.tag}` ({member.id}) has been muted by {author} with the reason {reason} for {time} with the role {role.name} | {role.id}')
// Logging into the client
Unmutes a member from the server when he/she is muted.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|---------------------------------|-------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | member | The member to unmute | GuildMember | 2 | | role | The mute role | GuildRole | 3 | | reason | The reason of the mute | string | 4 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 5 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !unmute do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!unmute')) {
// Getting the member that is mentioned (has to be a GuildMember not a User)
const member = message.mentions.members.first()
// The mute role of the server
const role = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === 'muted')
// The reason of the unmute
const reason = 'Did something wrong!'
// Running the unmute command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {member.tag}, {member.username}, {member.id}, {member.mention}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}, {reason}, {role.name}, {role.id}, {role.mention}
command.unmute(message, member, role, reason, '`{member.tag}` ({member.id}) has been unmuted by {author} with the reason {reason} with the role {role.name} | {role.id}')
// Logging into the client
Locks a channel in the server.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|--------------------------------------|--------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | channel | The channel to lock | GuildChannel | 2 | | reason | The reason why the channel is locked | string | 3 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 4 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !lock do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!lock')) {
// Getting the channel that has to be locked
const channel = message.mentions.channels.first() || message.channel
// The reason of the lock
const reason = 'A raid is happening!'
// Running the lock command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {channel.name}, {channel.id}, {channel.mention}, {reason}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}
command.lock(message, channel, reason, 'The channel {channel.name} ({channel.id}) has been locked by {author.tag} ({author.id}) with the reason {reason}')
// Logging into the client
Unlocks a channel in the server when locked.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|----------------------------------------|--------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | channel | The channel to unlock | GuildChannel | 2 | | reason | The reason why the channel is unlocked | string | 3 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 4 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !unlock do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!unlock')) {
// Getting the channel that has to be unlocked
const channel = message.mentions.channels.first() || message.channel
// The reason of the unlock
const reason = 'The raid is over!'
// Running the unlock command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {channel.name}, {channel.id}, {channel.mention}, {reason}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}
command.unlock(message, channel, reason, 'The channel {channel.name} ({channel.id}) has been unlocked by {author.tag} ({author.id}) with the reason {reason}')
// Logging into the client
Updates the slowmode for a channel.
| Parameter | Description | Type | Position | |-------------|---------------------------------------|--------------|----------| | message | The param of your message event | Object | 1 | | channel | The channel to change slowmode | GuildChannel | 2 | | time | The amount of seconds of the slowmode | Integer | 3 | | reason | The reason of the new slowmode | string | 4 | | description | The message of the embed | string | 5 |
// Importing the client of the discord.js modules
const client = new (require('discord.js')).Client()
// Setting up the module with the settings
// Requiring the commands of the module
const { command } = require('discord-mod-bot')
// Starting up the client
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} is online!`)
client.on('message', async message => {
// When the message is !slowmode do..
if(message.content.startsWith('!slowmode')) {
// Getting the channel for the new slowmode
const channel = message.mentions.channels.first() || message.channel
// The new time of the slowmode, example: 10 = 10 seconds (NOTE: Maximum = 21600)
const time = '10'
// The reason of the slowmode
const reason = 'To many spam of messages!'
// Running the unlock command with the needed params
// All {} to use with the description: {channel.name}, {channel.id}, {channel.mention}, {time}, {reason}, {author.tag}, {author.username}, {author.id}, {author.mention}
command.slowmode(message, channel, time, reason, 'The slowmode of the channel {channel.name} ({channel.id}) has been updated to {time} seconds by {author.tag} ({author.id}) with the reason {reason}')
// Logging into the client
💻 Developers
This package has been developed by:
Koenie06 and I am Intelligent
📰 Links
Koenie06#9999 I am Intelligent#0001