DiscordJS reimagined: seamlessly integrate slash and message commands with the pluggable, middleware-based Discord bot framework inspiried by ExpressJS.
Discord Express
DiscordJS reimagined: seamlessly integrate slash and message commands with the pluggable, middleware-based Discord bot framework inspiried by ExpressJS.
Discord-express delivers the promise of "express" in 3 ways:
Express inspiried
Discord-express is inspiried by Express, so if you have used Express before, you will already be quite familliar.
Write code that's easier to understand with reuseable, pluggable middleware, and an alternative slash command builder that doesn't feel as cluncky and verbose as the default builder.
The express route
Write DRYer (don't repeat yourself) code and don't WET (write everything twice) yourself! Take advantage of discord-express's seamsless slash and message command integration, and get rid of your boilerplate code.
Never use Discord bot boilerplate template again
Discord-express takes care of that for you, so you can just install and get going with your business instead of trying to figure out someone elses template.
When slash commands came around, I knew I would eventually have to migrate. But if I wanted to keep message commands around, there was no good way of going about it. I was also getting tired of all the boilerplate needed for a Discord bot. There's tons of elaborate templates on Github just to get a bot started. But if you look at an express app, there isn't nearly as much boilerplate. Why can't there be a solution then?
There is still boilerplate associated with creating a bot. This will get you started.
Requirements: node >= 16.6
More comprehensive examples are available at examples
npm i discord.js discord-express dotenv
yarn add discord.js discord-express dotenv
pnpm add discord.js discord-express dotenv
npm i @types/node
yarn add @types/node
pnpm add @types/node
import {Client, builtins, createCommands, middleware} from "discord-express"
import dotenv from "dotenv"
/** @type {import("discord-express").Commands} */
const commands = {
help: builtins.help.command,
const client = new Client({
intents: ["GUILD_MESSAGES", "GUILDS"],
authToken: process.env.TOKEN,
client.registerCommands(createCommands(commands), process.env.CLIENT_ID)
client.use(middleware.messageCommandParser({prefix: "~"}))
client.command("help", builtins.help.handler({commands}))
client.on("ready", () => {
And that's it! You're ready to get started.