Discord Economy ========
Discord Economy
Note: This package is under development and will be updated frequently.
This package is meant to provide an easy way to access core economy features.
npm install discord-eco
Require Package
var economy = require('discord-eco');
Fetch Balance
No need to create a database, it does that automatically.
economy.fetchBalance('userID').then((i) => {
console.log(i) // { userID: '144645791145918464', money: 998, lastDaily: 'Not Collected' }
console.log(i.money) // 998
Update Balance
Value must be an integer. If you want to subtract from the balance make it a negitave number.
economy.updateBalance('userID', 'value').then((i) => {
console.log(i) // Returns the updated result.
console.log(i) // Returns the updated result.
Example Bot | View Output
// Call Packages
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const economy = require('discord-eco');
// Define client for Discord
const client = new Discord.Client();
// This runs when a message is recieved...
client.on('message', message => {
// Prefix
let prefix = '!';
// There are multiple ways you can use discord-eco.
// Example: Fetching Balance
if (message.content.toUpperCase() === `${prefix}BALANCE`) {
economy.fetchBalance(message.author.id).then((i) => { // economy.fetchBalance grabs the userID, finds it, and puts it into 'i'.
message.channel.send(`**Balance:** ${i.money}`);
// Example: Adding Money To A User
if (message.content.toUpperCase() === `${prefix}PAYDAY`) {
economy.updateBalance(message.author.id, 500).then((i) => { // economy.updateBalance grabs the (userID, value) value being how much you want to add, and puts it into 'i'.
message.channel.send(`**You got $500!**\n**New Balance:** ${i.money}`);
// Example: Removing Money From A User
if (message.content.toUpperCase() === `${prefix}PAYFINE`) {
economy.updateBalance(message.author.id, -500).then((i) => { // Since the 'value' is -500, it will 'add' -500, making the balance $500 lower.
message.channel.send(`**You paid your fine of $500!**\n**New Balance:** ${i.money}`);