- [Command decorators](#Command-Decorators) - [Dependency injection (using tsyringe)](#Dependency-Injection) - [Argument Transforming](#Argument-Transforming)
discord-decorated depends on discord.js tsyringe and a reflect polyfill - for the example we'll install reflect-metadata
npm i discord-decorated discord.js tsyringe reflect-metadata
yarn add discord-decorated discord.js tsyringe reflect-metadata
Getting Started
discord-decorated seeks to make the setup for a discord bot simple, just create a DiscordClient instance - which just inherits from discord.js's Client - then assign command handlers and login!
// bot.ts
import "reflect-metadata"; // ensure to import a reflect-metadata as early as possible
import { DiscordClient } from "discord-decorated";
import { PingModule } from "./command-modules/PingModule";
import { GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js";
const bot = new DiscordClient({
commandPrefix: "!",
commandModules: [PingModule],
intents: [
// ...
// DiscordClient extends Client, all discord.js methods are available
bot.on("ready", () => console.log("ready!"));
// command-modules/PingModule.ts
import { command } from "discord-decorated";
import { Message } from "discord.js";
export class PingModule {
public async ping(msg: Message) {
await msg.reply("pong!");
You'll also have to modify your tsconfig.json
to include the following settings
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true
Command Decorators
discord-decorated adds the ability to decorate class methods with command decorators allowing easier command creation / classification.
// PongModule.ts
export class PongModule {
public async pong(message: Message) {
return message.reply("pong!");
public async zong(message: Message) {
return message.reply("zong!");
A CommandModule can contain any number of commands, and the commands themselves can recieve up to two arguments: the Message, from discord.js, and the arguments, which currently are space delimited words from the original message (after the command string).
export class EchoModule {
public async echo(message: Message, args: string[]) {
// from discord: !echo hello world!
// will recieve reply: hello world!
return message.reply(args.join(" "));
Dependency Injection
discord-decorated using tsyringe for dependency injection on it's CommandModule's and should work out of the box after following the install instructions.
// use tsyringe's decorators
export class DependentModule {
// dbService injected through constructor using tsyringe
constructor(private readonly dbService: DbService) {}
public async getSomeData(msg: Message) {
// use dbService to grab some data and send it to the discord chat
const data = await this.dbService.getData();
return msg.reply(data.toString());
Argument Transforming
discord-decorated comes with two built in argument transformers by default, the ParseNumberTransformer
and the ParseIntTransformer
which takes the string arguments from discord and parse them numbers / integers.
export class ParserModule {
// pass the transformer in to the command annotation
@command("parse-numbers", new ParseNumberTransformer())
public async parse(message: Message, args: number[]) {
// args will be an array of numbers
You can easily create your own transformers by creating a class that implements the ITransformer
interface from discord-decorated
import { ITransformer } from "discord-decorated";
// customer transformer which takes the arguments and converts them to caps
export class MyTransformer implements ITransformer<string> {
// ITransformer requires a Promise returning an array of the desired transformed type
async transform(args: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
// simply transform each argument to uppercase
return args.map((arg) => arg.toUpperCase());
export class MyCommandModule {
// pass the transformer in to the command annotation
@command("transform", new MyTransformer())
public async transform(message: Message, args: number[]) {
// from discord: ["hello"]
// args == ["HELLO"]
To exit a transformer's parse method, in case parsing has failed, just throw an error and the command will not be run.
import { ITransformer } from "discord-decorated";
export class DisallowTheNumberOne implements ITransformer<number> {
async transform(args: string[]): Promise<number[]> {
return args.map((arg) => {
const arg = parseFloat(arg);
// if a user sends 1 in to the command, it will not be run!
if (arg === 1) throw new Error();
return arg;
Command Registration
After creating command modules you can register them to the DiscordClient by passing their constructors to the DiscordClientOptions:
const client = new DiscordClient({
// ...
commandModules: [PongModule, EchoModule, DependentModule],
// ...