<h1 align="center"> <p>Discord Console Logger</p> </h1> <p align="center"> A Node.js logger that logs to a Discord webhook </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="npm" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/discord-console-logger"> <img alt="GitHub issues" s
Work in progress, if you find any bugs please report them.
Docs are available at: https://lucaslah.github.io/discord-console-logger/
You can find examples below and in the example
import { DiscordConsoleLogger, Embed, Colors } from "discord-console-logger";
const logger = new DiscordConsoleLogger({
id: "webhook id",
token: "webhook token"
await logger.log("Hello World");
await logger.log(new Embed({
title: "Hello World",
description: "test",
footer: {
text: "footer, text"
await logger.info({ message: "hello world", description: "info" });
await logger.warn({ message: "hello world", description: "warn" });
await logger.error({ message: "hello world", description: "error" });
await logger.debug({ message: "hello world", description: "debug" });
await logger.info({ message: "hello world", description: "info" }, {
color: Colors.DEFAULT,
footer: { text: "hello text" }
You will need:
- Node.js
- Yarn/Npm
- Typescript (included)
To build the library run the following commands:
# first clone the repo to your local device
$ git clone https://github.com/Lucaslah/discord-console-logger.git
# next change to the directory you just cloned
$ cd discord-console-logger
# install dependencies
$ yarn install # or with npm: npm install
# next build the library
$ yarn build # or with npm: npm run build
# if you want to build the docs
$ yarn docs # or with npm: npm run docs
Docs output will be: ./docs
Javascript output will be: ./dist