Discord.js but with more functionality
- 🔥Auto file update on save
- 💨Highly performant
- 💥Improved and added more functionality to Discord.js
- 🚫Easy to understand errors
- 💬Custom embed / attachments generators
- 📨Custom command-handler
- 🔰Custom event listeners
- 🛑Anti-swear (around 155 swear words blocked)
- 💾database system
- 🎁giveaway system
- 💼Detailed TTY logging system
- 📋Message Attachment Download System
- 📌Other easy to use functions!
$ npm install discord-configured
To start off, you need to require the discord-configured
node module. (When you install it, it comes with discord.js)
Once you have required it in the code, you need to initiate it with the init function, there are two types of initiation: advanced (Discord.init({})
) or automatic (Discord.auto_init()
) See Initiate code
Code Usage
To initiate the bot using advanced configurations:
Learn more about the advanced initiation properties at Advanced initiation properties
const Discord = require('discord-configured');
Discord.init({ // Initiate Bot
token: "Your token", // Input your Discord bots token (NON-OPTIONAL)
prefix: "!", // PCustom bot message prefix (NON-OPTIONAL)
activity: 'Bot activity', // Custom bot activity (OPTIONAL)
status: 'online', // Custom bot status (OPTIONAL) ['online', 'dnd', 'idle', 'offline']
activityType: 'playing', // Custom bot activity type (OPTIONAL) ['playing', 'watching', 'listening']
logs: true, // Show logs for Discord-configured actions (BOOLEAN) very recommended
autoActivity: false, // GENERATES its own bot activity, status & activity type (BOOLEAN) NOTE: this overwrites your bot activity, status and activityType
baseEmbedColor: "BLUE", // Default embed color, used when the custom embed generator is called (NON-OPTIONAL)
errorEmbedColor: "RED",// Default error embed color, used when the custom error embed generator is called (NON-OPTIONAL)
antiSwear: true, // toggles anti-swear functionality
antiSwearMessage: "Please do not swear in this server!" // If a swear word is caught, then this message will be sent
deleteSwearMessages: true, // If a swear word is caught, the message will be deleted
To initiate the bot using automatic configurations:
const Discord = require('discord-configured');
Discord.auto_init("Your token") // All the properties shown in the advanced version will be auto selected.
Discord-configured command-handler
Our built-in command handler makes coding Discord bot way easyer NOTE: Just chill out and let us do the work.
- index.js
directory: "./commands", // The directory to your commands folder.
includeCommand: true, // Include the "command" variable to your command handler's files.
includeArgs: true, // Include the "args" variable to your command handler's files.
includeMessage: true, // Include the "message" variable to your command handler's files.
includeClient: true, // Include the "cient" variable to your command handler's files.
others: { // Include other custom variables.
fs: require('fs') // Requires a custom node-module called fs
ping command - a command handler file example:
- ping.js
module.exports.command = "ping"
module.exports.aliases = ["ws", 'hello?']
module.exports.run = function({
}) {
Discord-Configured comes with more advanced event listeners
NOTE: All default discord.js liseners are in Discord.events as well, these are just some example custom liseners.
Discord.events.once('started', time => {
Called when the Discord.init is finised applying data;
- time = The time it took to finish the Discord.init in seconds
console.log(`Discord init finished in ${time}s`);
Discord.events.once('ready', (time, options) => {
Called when the bot has started;
- time = The time it took to finish the bot in seconds
- options: {
prefix: bot prefix,
activity: bot activity,
status: bot status,
ID: bot ID,
username: bot username
console.log(`bot has started!\nTook ${time}s to start`);
Discord.events.on('message', (message, data) => {
Called when a message has been sent;
- message = The default message object from discord.js
- data: {
command: The command from message.content
args: The args from message.content
embeds: any embeds from message.embeds
if (data.command === "ping") message.channel.send('pong!')
Discord.events.on('commandHandler', info => {
Called when a command was found in any of the commmand handlers files;
- info: {
command: Command-handler's command
aliases: Command-handler's aliases
file: File name and extension
directory: Directory to the command handler's file
path: Direct path to the command handler's file
fileSize: filesize of the command-handler's file
console.log(`Command-handler's file used, FILE:\n`, info);
Discord-Configured comes with other custom function
Custom embed generator
const embed = Discord.embed({ // NOTE: you do not need to add all these options
color: "GREEN", // If not inputed, it will go for your default option, defined in the Discord.init.baseEmbedColor
title: "This the title of this test embed!",
titleURL: "https://url-for-the-title.png",
authorName: "Author name",
authorIcon: "https://author-icon-url.png",
autoAuthor: message.author,
^ If you add this, then the author name and author icon will be replaced with the value you inputed's .username and .avatarURL(),
in the case: message.author.username and message.author.avatarURL()
authorURL: "URL", // adds a url to the author's username, making the author's username a hyperlink
description: "This is a random description",
timeStamp: true, // NOTE: this value must be a boolean
fields: [],
footer: "This is a test footer",
footerIcon: "https://footer-icon-url.png",
image: "https://image.png",
thumbnail: "https://thumbnail.png",
files: [] // add an atachment of files.
message.channel.send(embed) // Send your completly custom embed, with anti-pipe protection.
How will this benifit you?
his API comes with built-in functionalitys like checking for errors, easy to use funcitions and even a built-in command handler making your life way easyer.
Any proof?
Yes, here is a before and after peace of code showing that more then 50% of code was not needed using this api.
BEFORE (20 lines of code, excluding comments)
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.login('My token 123');
client.once('ready', () => {
console.log('Bot started');
client.user.setActivity('!help for help');
const prefix = "!"
client.on('message', message => {
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase()
if (command === 'ping') {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("Yes, i am alive...")
Other Functionalitys thats running in the background:
- none
AFTER (6 lines of code, excluding comments)
const Discord = require('discord-configured');
Discord.auto_init("My Token 123");
Discord.events.once('ready', (time, options) => console.log(`${options.username} has started!\nTook ${time}s to start`))
Discord.events.on('message', (message, data) => {
if (Discord.isCmd(data, 'ping')) message.channel.send(Discord.embed({color: "GREEN", title: "PONG!", description: "Yes, i am alive..."}))
Other Functionalitys thats running in the background:
- anti-swear (initiated at line: 2)
- auto prefix(initiated at line: 2)
- Discord-Configured auto logging actions to the console (initiated at line: 2)
- Check if message is command (initiated at line: 5)
- Generate Embed (initiated at line: 5)
- Auto presence (initiated at line: 2)
Advanced Initiate Object properties
All the properties in the advanced Discord.init function.
• token
TYPE: String
Optional: false
Default: none
Info: Input your Discord bots token
Example: "A1B2C3"
• activity:
TYPE: String
Optional: true
Default: none
Info: Input your Discord bots token [Discord Developers portal]
Example: "Help: !help"
• prefix:
TYPE: String
Optional: false
Default: none
Info: Custom bot message prefix
Example: "!"
• status:
TYPE: String
Optional: true
Default: online
Info: Custom bot status
Example: "dnd" Options: ['online', 'dnd', 'idle', 'offline']
• activityType:
TYPE: String
Optional: true
Default: PLAYING
Info: Custom bot activity type
Example: "WATCHING" ['playing', 'watching', 'listening']
• logs:
TYPE: Boolean
Optional: true
Default: true
Info: Show logs for Discord-configured actions
Example: true [true, false]
• autoActivity:
TYPE: Boolean
Optional: true
Default: false
Info: generates its own bot activity, status & activity type NOTE: this overwrites your bot activity, status and activityType
Example: true [true, false]
• baseEmbedColor:
TYPE: String
Optional: false
Default: none
Info: Default embed color, used when the custom embed generator (Custom Embed Generator) is called
Example: "#FFFFFF"
• errorEmbedColor:
TYPE: String
Optional: false
Default: RED
Info: Default error embed color, used when the custom error embed generator is called
Example: "RED"
• antiSwear:
TYPE: Boolean
Optional: true
Default: true
Info: toggles anti-swear functionality
Example: true
• antiSwearMessage:
TYPE: String
Optional: true
Default: "Please do not swear in this server!"
Info: If a swear word is caught, then this message will be sent
Example: "No swearing!"
• deleteSwearMessages:
TYPE: Boolean
Optional: true
Default: true
Info: If a swear word is caught, the message will be deleted
Example: "No swearing!"