An NPM Module to announce users birthdays written in SQL.
An NPM Module allowing you to setup birthday messages when it is a users birthday automatically!
npm i discord-birthdays@latest
Check SQL Table Status
Check if the required SQL table(s) are imported
| Entry | Type | Definition | |----------------|---------------|---------------| | #1 | SQL VAR | Your SQL Connection Variable (con, db, etc)
con, client, format, guildid, channels, header, footer, color
The nodelogger function offers a fair amount of customization.
| Entry | Type | Definition | |----------------|---------------|---------------| | #1 | SQL VAR | Your SQL Connection Variable (con, db, etc) | #2 | CLIENT VAR | Your bots "client" variable (client, bot, etc) | #3 | STRING | The format you want bdays checked as (MM-DD, DD-MM) | #4 | STRING | The guild id for the birthday | #5 | ARRAY | The channels to send the alert to | #6 | STRING | The header of the birthday embed | #7 | STRING | The footer of the birthday embed | #8 | STRING | The color of the birthday embed
Add Birthdays
Add a birthday to the database function info
| Entry | Type | Definition | |----------------|---------------|---------------| | #1 | SQL VAR | Your SQL Connection Variable (con, db, etc) | #2 | STRING | A User ID to add to the bdays table | #3 | STRING | The date of the users birthday
Remove Birthdays
Remove a birthday from the database function info
| Entry | Type | Definition | |----------------|---------------|---------------| | #1 | SQL VAR | Your SQL Connection Variable (con, db, etc) | #2 | STRING | A User ID to remove from the bdays table
Code Example
const Discord = require('discord.js') // V13
const client = new Discord.Client({
partials: ["CHANNEL", "MESSAGE", "REACTIONS"],
allowedMentions: { parse: ['users', 'roles', 'everyone'], repliedUser: true }
let con;
const mysql = require('mysql')
client.utils = require('discord-birthdays')
client.on(`ready`, () => {
con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "",
database: "dbname"
console.log(`I AM READY WOOOOO`)
setTimeout(async () => {
await client.utils.dbcheck(con)
await client.utils.init(con, client, 'MM-DD', '832721829822857296', ['879012702222168064'], `HAPPY BIRTHDAY`, `Happy BDay Lol`, `#ffffff`)
}, 3000)
client.on('messageCreate', message => {
let prefix = '!'
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix)) {
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
let command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if(command === 'ping') {
message.channel.send({ content: "pong!" })
} else if(command === 'add') {
let check = client.utils.addbday(con, message.author.id, args[0])
if(check) {
message.channel.send({ content: "Bday Added!" })
} else {
message.channel.send({ content: "Bday Add Failed!" })
} else if(command === 'remove') {
let check2 = client.utils.removebday(con, message.author.id)
if(check2) {
message.channel.send({ content: "Bday Removed!" })
} else {
message.channel.send({ content: "Failed to remove bday!" })