<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/709451/182802334-d9c42afe-f35d-4a7b-86ea-9985f73f20c3.png" width="200" /> </p>
disbun is a discord js command handler optimized for speed by using native bun functions.
Getting Started
As bun has built-in typescript compilation, this library will not work with NodeJS. Support may come soon but for now, it is not supported.
You will need to have bun installed globally on your machine.
Installing Bun
npm i -g bun
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
Installing disbun CLI
bun add --global disbun-cli
Initializing a project
Starting a project with disbun is easy. Just run the following command in your terminal:
Now the good stuff
Now we'll go through setting up your client, adding commands, setting up middleware, MongoDB, and creating events.
Setting up the client
It's as simple as this:
import { Client } from "disbun";
new Client({
commandsDir: "src/commands",
intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages", "MessageContent"], // Message content intent required if you're using prefixed commands
All methods on the client class
import { Client } from "disbun";
const client = new Client({
commandsDir: "src/commands";
eventsDir: "src/events";
middleware: "src/middleware"; // Runs as raw data when interactions or messages are created
testServers: ["guild id"],
intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages"];
mongo: {
uri: "mongo uri" OR {
username: string;
password: string;
host: string;
port: number;
database: string;
options: ConnectionOptions;
client.on("event", () => {
Adding commands
Adding commands are almost as easy as setting up the project, just use the following CLI command or create a file and copy the template below.
disbun-cli add
import { Command, CommandType } from "disbun";
export default {
name: "ping",
description: "Returns funny message",
type: CommandType.SLASH, // Or CommandType.MESSAGE for legacy commands
run: async ({ interaction }) => {
return "Pong!";
} as Command;
All command methods
import { Command, CommandType } from "disbun";
export default {
name: "pong",
description: "Returns very unfunny message.",
type: CommandType.SLASH,
testOnly: true, // To be used with testServers in client options
guilds: ["guild id"], // Enable test only for specific guilds without changing testServers
permission: "Administrator",
data: {
my: "custom data :O",
custom: true,
command: 1,
data: [],
options: [], // For slash command arguments
run: async ({
message, // Message object for legacy commands
interaction, // Interaction object for slash commands
}) => {
return `${data.my} ${data.custom} ${data.command} ${data.data}`
} as Command<{
my: string;
custom: boolean;
command: number;
data: Array<unknown>;
Adding events
Just like commands, adding events is easy. Not sure how many more times I can say that.
disbun-cli add
import { Client } from "disbun";
export default (client: Client) => {
client.on("event", () => {
// Do stuff
Middleware is a way to run code before commands are executed. This is useful for things like cooldowns, permissions, and more.
NOTE: Middleware MUST return a Middleware code (yes it's just true and false, the enum is for code readability). You can use the Middleware enum to return proper codes.
import { IMiddlewareOptions, Middleware } from "disbun";
export default async ({ client, interaction, message }: IMiddlewareOptions) => {
if (interaction.isCommand()) return Middleware.SUCCESS;
:warning: This project is currently under development and not ready for a production environment