dipsnpmpackage provides the communication between a web app and DIPS Arena. By implementing the package you get an instance of a class which contains the following functionality:
What is this?
dipsnpmpackage provides the communication between a web app and DIPS Arena. By implementing the package you get an instance of a class which contains the following functionality:
Save functionality
- onSave is callable from DIPS Arena. This method calls on save which is an empty function. This function can be set in the webapp to do whatever is needed.
- save should return an error message if it fails.
Edit functionality
- edit is called from the webapp when the document is made dirty, and lets DIPS Arena know about its new state.
Readonly functionality
- readOnlyUpdateTrigger is called automatically on window.onload from the npm-package. This function tells DIPS Arena that the webapp has loaded.
- onReadOnlyUpdate is then called from DIPS Arena to tell the webapp in what mode it should run in: readOnly or not readOnly. onReadOnlyUpdate takes a boolean as argument to achieve this. readOnlyUpdater is called from onReadOnlyUpdate and can be set in the webapp.
The class-instance is exported so that it is made available to webapp-files which imports the property. The same class-instance is made callable from DIPS Arena (through js-calls) by making it a global property (window.tester = tester).
- Last ned npm-pakken “dipssmartonfhirextensions”
- npm install dipssmartonfhirextensions
- Importer dipsExtensions-objektet fra npm-pakken