DIMS template bootstrapped with CRA app
Important notes ⚠️️
The link to principal idea of design mockup. You do not have to follow it, just use it as a guide
In wiki-ui you can find all other guides regarding project structure, plan etc.
Read about good commits, git workflow requirements etc. in repo guide
Main scripts 📄
"start" - start app
"build" - build app
"test" - run tests
"test:coverage:ci:codecov" - run test and submit codecoverage to codecov
"lint" - check your code with eslint
"lint:fix" - fix your code with eslint
"cm" - run commitizen to create a good commit
To commit message you have to write following commands
git add .
git commit
then follow commitizen prompts and write a good commit
Main technologies ℹ️
- react
- eslint + air bnb style guide + some additional rules
- husky and lint-staged
- prettier and eslint
- codecov with Travis CI
- commitizen
Publish with netlify button 🚀
You need to have an account on netlify
If you click this button, it’ll authenticate you in Netlify and you'll have to choose a repository name. Netlify will automatically create a new repo for you that looks exactly like this one. Next, it will build and deploy the new site on Netlify bringing you to the site dashboard when the build is completed.
Env variables 📝
- CUSTOM_LOGO - here you can pass a link to your app logo
- DIMS_TITLE - here you can pass your app title
VSCode integration
For ESLint warnings inline with your code and run formatting automatically with Prettier in VSCode, we need to install:
- ESLint extension
- Prettier extension
- Edit VSCode settings.json to set up formatting on every file change or on every save