typescript implementation of the greedy first search djikstra's shortest path algorithm, compatible with javascript projects too of course
Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm Typescript Implementation
using the package
usage code
usage results
goals for this project
- study and learn about a new algorithm I didn't previously know (in this case dijkstra's shortest path algorithm) ✅
- study it via wikipedia and youtube conceptual videos ✅
- based off conceptual information/videos understanding write my own implementaiton without looking at others code/implementations (challenging part) ✅
- looking at some pseudo code is allowed (though i limited that for this algorithm), but looking at others implementations is disallowed ✅
- once algorithm is implemented, write unit tests to verify output results are correct given the graph, starting node inputs ✅
- side quest: test with multiple different graphs to be even more confident in implementation ✅
- npm i
- npm run start
running tests
- npm run test
graphs tested with code usage examples
look at index.ts code for example usage! or read below for a more in detail explaination of how to use code.
graph A tested with example code usage
algorithm implementation and graph used based off of youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVfj6mxhdMw&t=553s&ab_channel=ComputerScience
graph data structure representation:
const graphA: DijkstrasNonDirectedGraphMap = {
a: { b: 6, d: 1 },
b: { a: 6, c: 5, e: 2, d: 2 },
c: { b: 5, e: 5 },
d: { a: 1, b: 2, e: 1 },
e: { d: 1, b: 2, c: 5 },
shortest paths results table from node a:
const dijkstrasResultsLookUpTableFromNodeA = dijkstrasAlgorithm(
// output will be:
const dijkstrasResultsLookUpTableFromNodeA: DijkstrasResultsTableMap = {
a: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 0, previousVertex: null },
b: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 3, previousVertex: "d" },
c: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 7, previousVertex: "e" },
d: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 1, previousVertex: "a" },
e: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 2, previousVertex: "d" },
get shortest path to c from a:
const path = getShortestPath(dijkstrasResultsLookUpTableFromNodeA, "c");
// output will be => ["a", "d", "e", "c"]
get shortest path to c from a in directional arrow formatted string:
const pathFormattedString = getShortedPathArrowedFormattedString(path);
// output will be: "a --> d --> e --> c"
graph B tested with example code usage
graph data structure representation:
const graphB: DijkstrasNonDirectedGraphMap = {
a: { b: 2, d: 8 },
b: { a: 2, e: 6, d: 5 },
c: { f: 3, e: 9 },
d: { a: 8, b: 5, e: 3, f: 2 },
e: { d: 3, b: 6, c: 9, f: 1 },
f: { d: 2, c: 3, e: 1 },
shortest paths results table from node a:
const dijkstrasResultsLookUpTableFromA = dijkstrasAlgorithm(graphB, "a");
// output will be:
const dijkstrasResultsLookUpTableFromA: DijkstrasResultsTableMap = {
a: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 0, previousVertex: null },
b: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 2, previousVertex: "a" },
c: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 12, previousVertex: "f" },
d: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 7, previousVertex: "b" },
e: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 8, previousVertex: "b" },
f: { shortestDistanceFromNodeX: 9, previousVertex: "d" },
get shortest path to c from a:
const path = getShortestPath(dijkstrasResultsLookUpTableFromA, "c");
// output will be => ["a", "b", "d", "f", "c"]
get shortest path to c from a in directional arrow formatted string:
const pathFormattedString = getShortedPathArrowedFormattedString(path);
// output will be: "a --> b --> d --> f --> c"