A NodeJS wrapper for the DigitalOcean Droplet API
A simple interface to get metadata about a DigitalOcean Droplet.
npm install digitalocean-droplet-sdk --save
DigitalOcean-Droplet-SDK was designed to provide a simple and easy to use interface to get metadata about the droplet that it is running on. You can chose to either request the entire metadata for a droplet, or specific values from the metadata.
Request all metadata
var dropletSDK = require('digitalocean-droplet-sdk');
dropletSDK.getMetadata().then(function(metadata) {
/* do something with the result */
}).catch(function() {
/* error :( */
Request IPv4 Private IP Addresses
var dropletSDK = require('digitalocean-droplet-sdk');
dropletSDK.getPrivateIP4Addresses().then(function(ipAddresses) {
/* do something with the result */
}).catch(function() {
/* error :( */
All available methods
| Function | Description | Type |
| --- | --- | --- |
| getMetadata() | Returns all the metadata for the droplet see the DigitalOcean guides for more | JSON |
| getID() | Returns the id of the droplet | Number |
| getVendorData() | Returns the vendor data about the droplet | String |
| getAuthKey() | Returns the Auth Key | String |
| getHostName() | Returns the hostname/name of the droplet | String |
| getName() | Returns the hostname/name of the droplet | String |
| getPublicKeys | List of public ssh keys that have been added to the droplet | Array<String>
| getRegion() | Returns the region of the droplet | String |
| getInterfaces() | Returns both the public and private interfaces for the droplet. This is in the form of an object with two values; 'public' and 'private' which in turn contain arrays of respective interfaces (see format below) | JSON |
| getPrivateInterfaces() | Returns an array of the private interfaces for the droplet (see format below) | JSON |
| getPrivateIP4Addresses() | Returns an array of the private ipv4 addresses as strings | Array<String>
| getPrivateIP6Addresses() | Returns an array of the private ipv6 addresses as strings | Array<String>
| getPrivateMacAddresses() | Returns an array of the private MAC addresses as strings | Array<String>
| getPublicInterfaces() | Returns an array of the public interfaces for the droplet (see format below) | JSON |
| getPublicIP4Addresses() | Returns an array of the public ipv4 addresses as strings | Array<String>
| getPublicIP6Addresses() | Returns an array of the public ipv6 addresses as strings | Array<String>
| getPublicMacAddresses() | Returns an array of the public MAC addresses as strings | Array<String>
| hasFloatingIP() | Returns whether or not the droplet has a floating ip | Boolean |
| getFloatingIP() | Returns a string representation of the droplet floating ip if it has one, if it does not it will return a string of length 0 | String |
| getDNS() | Returns an array of strings of the name servers for this droplet | Array<String>
| getNameServers() | Returns an array of strings of the name servers for this droplet | Array<String>
| getTags() | Returns an array of strings of the tags for this droplet | Array<String>
If you feel there are any missing methods please create an issue for it on GitHub.
Example Of Interface JSON