Dynamically update Domain Records on Digital Ocean
Dynamically update Domain Records on Digital Ocean.
$ npm install -g digital-ocean-dynamic-dns
Basic Usage
You can specify an address with the -a
parameter, or don't and dodd
will use your public IP instead.
$ dodd -t <DigitalOceanApiToken> -a <someIp> -d <yourDomain.tld> -r <domainRecordTitle>
$ dodd -t <DigitalOceanApiToken> -d <yourDomain.tld> -r <domainRecordTitle>
Example with a specific IP
To change
to direct to 123.456.789.123
$ dodd -t abc123def456ghi789 -a 123.456.789.123 -d -r home
Example using the public IP
To change
to direct to whatever your public IP is:
$ dodd -t abc123def456ghi789 -d -r home
If the -c
or --create
flag is set and the record does not exist under the given domain, it will be created.
$ dodd -t abc123def456ghi789 -d -r home --create
Config file
Using the -f
or --file
option, all parameters can be set from a JSON file. It's possible to specify multiple domains when the JSON file contains an array of domains. Any arguments passed on the command line will also be applied but will be overridden by the file contents.
$ dodd -t abc123def456ghi789 -f /path/to/file.json
"domainName": "domain.tld",
"recordName": "record"
"token": "xyz987uvw654qrs321",
"domainName": "other.tld",
"recordName": "test"
Run automatically
On Linux you can run dodd
at boot and then repeatedly at a certain interval using systemd. Set up the command in systemd/dodd.service
and set a time interal in systemd/dodd.timer
. Then copy both to /etc/systemd/system/
and start them with
$ systemctl start dodd.service
$ systemctl start dodd.timer
To auto-start the service after boot run.
$ systemctl enable dodd.service
$ systemctl enable dodd.timer
The above will run dodd
with the parameters defined in dodd.service
after boot, as soon as the network is available. After that it will run the same command regularly as defined by the interval in the dodd.timer
file (hourly by default).
You can veryify that the dodd
timer is active by running systemctl list-timers
More Options
There are more optional parameters. Use dodd --help
for details.
$ dodd --help
Usage: dodd [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-t, --token <token> Your Digital Ocean API token
-a, --address <address> The address the DNS record should direct to. Uses the public IP if none is provided.
-d, --domainName <domainName> The domain name itself (<domainName>.tld)
-r, --recordName <recordName> The name of the comain record (<recordName>.domain.tld)
-y, --recordType <recordType> The type of DNS record (A, CNAME, TXT, ...). Defaults to A.
-l, --recordTtl <recordTtl> The time to live for the record, in seconds. Deafults to 1800.
-p, --recordPriority <recordPriority> The priority of the host (SRV and MX records only).
-o, --recordPort <recordPort> The port that the service is accessible on (SRV records only).
-w, --recordWeight <recordWeight> The weight of records with the same priority (SRV records only).
-c, --create Create a new domain record if none exists. Creates the domain RECORD, not a domain.