Lorem ipsum generator with cool digital marketing buzzwords
Digital Marketing Ipsum
Lorem ipsum generator with cool digital marketing buzzwords written in TypeScript and compiled to Javascript.
Generating text
Run generateIpsum()
to generate some cool digital marketing buzzwords.
Customising output
Number of paragraphs and sentences per paragraph can be customised by passing on options object to generateIpsum
An example might look like {sentenceMin: 6, sentenceMax: 12, paragraphs: 8}
Based on the options used, you'll end up with something like this:
Building bleeding edge to in turn gain traction. Inform user engagement with the possibility to create actionable insights. Informing dark social but build ROI. Leading outside the box thinking with the possibility to be transparent. Executing transformation mapping to use best practice. Utilising integrated tech stacks while remembering to create synergy. Leveraging brand integration with the aim to create actionable insights.