A number bitmask generation library for nodejs
Cloak is a small node.js library for managing bitmasks for a set of values
I built it to allow me to send a large number of true/false values over a network without having more information than requred. Cloak takes your set of values and returns a bitmask value for each one, for example:
var values = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'carrot', 'potato']
var cloak = new Cloak(values);
This gives each value a mask such that
apple = 1 orange = 2 banana = 4 carrot = 8 potato = 16
To get a subset of these values we can then add up the mask values and when required, cloak can turn those masks back into a set of values
So if we needed to pass a message to say 'apple', 'banana' and 'carrot' we would send 1 + 4 + 8 (13)
Then to get those values back from our number it would be
Which returns
=> ['apple', 'banana', 'carrot'];
Values can be added dynamically but not removed, remove and set value functionality may be added at a later date.
Which returns the mask value for that added value
=> 32
This also works with an array of values via addValues()
cloak.addValues(['onion', 'grape']);
Again this returns an array of masks
=> [64, 128]
You can fetch the key-value pair object to check what values are used
=> {
1: 'apple',
2: 'orange',
4: 'banana',
8: 'carrot',
16: 'potato',
32: 'leak',
64: 'onion',
128: 'grape'
Due to the number limit of JS there's a limit of ~30 values which this can provide masks for. In the near future I aim to update this to use bignum.js to increase that, hoping that it won't cause too much of a slowdown when doing a large bitwise add.
It doesn't accept objects and arrays as values due to the way I've implemented it
Future work
- Finish tests
- Make the whole thing immutable
- Use bignum.js for dealing with larger numbers
- Make method names use proper language
- Allow all JS types to be used as array values