library and hubot plugin for advanced dice rolling shenanigans
- rip-off of the Nearley calculator grammar with dice rolling added in
- a hubot bot that lets you talk to the Nearley grammar
const dicetower = require('dicetower');
dicetower.report('2d6 + 2dF + 2')
// -> *13* (12 (rolled 2d6: 6+6) + -1 (rolled 2dfudge: 1+-2) + 2)
// the number of dice or sides of the dice can be computed via dice roll
// -> *86* (86 (rolled 11d20: 6+1+3+5+9+5+17+9+11+1+19))
// you can roll custom arbirary dice
dicetower.report('2d4 * 1d[2 3 5 7 9 14]')
// -> *12* (6 (rolled 2d4: 4+2) * 2 (rolled 1d[14 2 3 5 7 9]: 2))
// you can get expected value instead of actually rolling dice
dicetower.report('2d4 * 1d[2 3 5 7 9 14]', true);
// *33.333333333333336*
// (3 (expected 5: 2*2.5) * 7 (expected 6.666666666666667: 1*6.666666666666667))
ok so what's this grammar thing?
I dunno. It's cool. It parses your string and does the calculation. You can read it here. This is a Nearley grammar.
Here's a full list of supported expressions
- parens
(3 + 1d4) * 2
- exponents
- multiplication
4 * 4
and division4 / 1d2
- addition
1 + 1
and subtraction2 - 2d4
- a range of mathematical functions and constants
sqrt(sin(5)) * pi
- unary negative numbers
-1 + 5
- floats and stuff
0.25 * .55
- dice
- regular dice
- fudge dice
- dice with arbitrary custom faces
2d[2 4 6 8 10]
- any value in a dice expression can be an expression
(1d6)d[1 2 3 4 2d4 2d8]
- regular dice
how do i hubot
I think this is how:
- you
npm install --save dicetower
in your hubot dir - you add
to your external-scripts.json file