A wrapper for the evaporate library allowing use in a web worker.
Dice Mist
Dice Mist is a wrapper for the Evaporate library providing web worker support.
When uploading multiple large files, it is possible for the upload process to lag the main JS thread, by delegating this work to a web worker you can keep your UI snappy.
npm i dice-mist
import Mist from 'dice-mist';
const config = {
// evaporate config
worker: true // boolean to use worker or not
const files = [
// array of Javascript Files
// you MUST add an ID to each file, so that it can be track from the worker
// E.g: files.forEach(file => {file.id = generateId()});
Mist(config, files)
.progress((progress, id) => { /* File upload % progress - number between 0 & 1 */})
.success((id, data, awsObjectKey) => { /* fileGuid, fileData, s3 key/path */})
.error((reason, id) => { /* error reason, errored file */})
.start((cancel, id) => { /* function to cancel individual file upload, file id */});
Web Worker Crypto Functions
For ease of instantiation the web work implementation does not accept MD5 or SHA256 functions from the config. These are set to js-spark-md5 and js-sha256.